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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    After 7 years renovating our cottage and heating both it and our hot water with logs and solar, we've put in a ground source system so this setup is for sale.

    Dunsley Yorkshire Multifuel Boiler Stove, with external air kit.
    Newark/Enerstore multifuel 300l thermal store.

    The stove is amazing, has it's own adjustable thermostat so its fire up and forget, other than for loading logs. It's very clean burning, our chimney sweep always commented on how little dirt there was when they swept it.

    The thermal store has two 3kw high temperature immersion heaters, tappings for hot water and radiator circuit along with coils for a heat pump and woodburning stove . There are three additional thermometer pockets so you can see the temperatures at the top, middle and bottom of the store.

    Collection only from near Barnstaple, North Devon. The stove is extremely heavy but is on a pallet and I have the ability to load it onto a trailer etc. This system has worked like a charm providing 100% of our hot water along with our solar PV and diverter for the past 7 years and a major chunk of our home heating.

    £2000 for both or £1700 for the stove and £500 for the store.
    and the thermal store
    Now both sold.
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