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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorWinne
    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2007 edited
    As we are moving forward to green future and trying to build carbon neutral era, I do strongly believe that occupants are the main actor in building up that era. Even how buildings are greatly designed and built by architects and builders to be zero carbon standard homes with high insulated fabric and advanced technologies to be off girds, only occupants of those homes can pronounce thier homes to be as a zero carbon one by adjusting their lifestyles. Thus, I'm studying on lifestyles of residents of current zero carbon or ultra low energy homes in UK as for my first step. In doing so, I have difficulties to contact current residents in UK and I want to request members of Grenn Building forum to take part in my questionnaires survey or share the information if you know any resident of zero or low carbon homes. Please contact me at wwm1204@yahoo.co.uk to send out the questionnaires to any interested body or to carry out my questionnaires. My questionnaires are also attaced to this discussion and please feel free to have a look on them.
    with regards,
    Wah Wah
    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeJul 22nd 2007
    Who is the questionnaire on behalf of please Winne? Your user profile is not filled in!
    • CommentAuthorWinne
    • CommentTimeJul 23rd 2007 edited
    Sorry Keith, I missed out that. The questionnaire is on behalf of myself. I'm filling out my user profile now. Also in my questionnaire, I inform of myself and full contact details. Thank you for building up the Green building forum which is really interested and useful for green future.
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