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    • CommentTimeJun 7th 2015
    • CommentAuthorGarethC
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2015
    I hope it is axed. I'm fairly sure it's a crappy way to promote green measures.
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2015
    Yes, showed two things that alternatives are expensive and energy is cheap.
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015
    To the end of March 2015:

    ECO - 1,430,054
    Cashback - 15,696
    GD Finance - 12,170
    GDHIF - 21,964

    Total 1,479,884

    As some measures will have been financed through multiple schemes there is some double-counting in these figures. Measures installed under GD Finance are currently running at about 1,000 per month.

    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015
    Are those £ spent, or no of cases?!
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015
    And if £ spent, are they £ claimed, or £ spent?
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015
    Number of cases:

    “A provisional 1,480,000 measures were installed in around 1,202,000 properties through
    ECO, Cashback, GD Plans and the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund to the end of
    March 2015”
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015
    That's quite a lot - not bad for a half baked scheme - 5% of UK housing stock, isn't it?
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2015 edited
    That's since the introduction of those schemes, five years ago. They were installing faster than that rate *each year* before. https://energyprofessional.wordpress.com/2014/07/31/dukes-energy-efficiency/
    • CommentAuthorGarethC
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015 edited
    I think an awful lot of those measure were of pretty marginal effectiveness mind you, and I seem to recall a high proportion of boiler replacements, which I'm not sure is a great use of funds. This is a lazy criticism though as I haven't had time to check!
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015 edited
    Personally I think the entire approach of ECO and GD are wrong headed.

    The IMechE gets it: http://www.imeche.org/knowledge/policy/energy/policy/heat-energy-report

    How can we hope to improve productivity when we are so short termist? The suggestion that we will catch up with, economically, Germany over the long term is laughable.
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015
    Thanks Ted

    If you follow the link to Monthly_GD_ECO_Tables_-_21_MAY_FINAL.xlsx and go to table 3b, it makes interesting reading on the number of Micro-generation installations.

    I must admit I do get a bit confused will all the schemes available.
    ECO, or in English, Energy Company Obligations, seems to be split, or take advantage of other schemes, such as:
    Carbon Saving Target (CERO)
    Carbon Savings Community (CSCO)
    Affordable Warmth (HHCRO)

    Then there is the total number of measures delivered by the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund, GDHIF, which I think is a free, or very low cost to the customer scheme. There where 22,239 of these.

    There was also the cashback scheme, 15,696 where delivered, 12,379 where for new boilers. I am not sure if that was part of another scheme and a bit of double counting has taken place i.e. could you get GD finance and cash back.

    The GD finance was 13,082, so a pretty small number really. Did the GD bank not have £2bn to lend out. A quick look at http://www.tgdfc.org/
    shows that it is lending, or plans to lend £50m in May 2015. That is up from £9.9m a year ago.
    As this is ongoing plans, I assume, without looking closer at the data, that if you divide 50,000,000 by 13,082 you get the mean value of each deal, £3822, or about the same as a 3 kWp PV system.
    There were 3,755 PV systems installed under all the GD initiatives, but only 2,042 solid wall insulation installations.

    I think the gas boiler installers are going to miss this scheme.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015
    .. Yep!:devil:
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2015
    I have mixed view on gas. I would prefer we could reduce usage to the level that we can supply enough energy via wind, hydro and solar. But if we are going to burn things, then gas is best.
    I think our new Energy Secretary has found this out (not that she will be there long as I think she is Pro EU).
    • CommentAuthorSeret
    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2015
    Gas is a good idea if it's displacing something worse, but spending loads of government money replacing old gas boilers with newer slightly more efficient ones is just fiddling around from a CO2 point of view really.
    When I did the cost-benefit analysis on my place replacing the nasty old boiler came way down the merit list compared to other measures, so much so that I still haven't done it yet.
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