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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorShevek
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2013
    Can you recommend a one-piece EPDM roofing membrane. Or are they all much the same? Do some have longer guarantees than others? What thickness should we go for under a green roof?

    What do we need to flash into a rainwater pipe?
    We were looking at one sheet EPDMs originally to cover our greenroof but in the end went for Resitrex SK W which is a modified EPDM which comes in self adhesive rolls and is welded with heat gun. My impression was that EPDM was great for a single sheeet with no penetrations but we had a number of roof drains and air vents etc and my understanding is that with normal EPDM its tricky to seal such penetrations. Resitrex patches can be simply welded over the top and its bomb proof, almost impossible to rip apart once melted. It's more expensive but guaranteed for 20 years in sun light, excess of 50 years life.
    • CommentAuthornigelm
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2013
    We had a one piece EDPM roof fitted a few years ago.

    We got it from Firestone (Winsford in Cheshire), they were helpful in recommending a installation company who were very good.
    • CommentAuthorShevek
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2013
    I see. Well we've just got the one penetration on our extension, a downpipe. Otherwise it's just a big rectangle.

    The top roof, however, has four Ventive vents going through it + SVP, so I guess we'll looks at using something else for that. Thanks for the Resitrex SK W recommendation.
    Can anyone recommend a training Course to get a few of our boys trained in EPDM fitting?

    Firestone training and products any good?
    I think they do a few different thickness , so the thicker EPMD being a premium
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