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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorsmallcog
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2007
    I'm in the process of building a timber-frame house in the west of Ireland ( photos can be seen on http://awoodenhouse.thisbetterworld.org ). The initial frame is up, all stud work in place, with openings in the studwork for all doors/windows. The studwork is then sheathed by OSB with a membrane wrapping the house outside the OSB. My question is concerning the installation said doors and windows and how to ensure that all sills casings etc. are perfectly waterproof. I hope to install the doors/windows before doing the final outside layer which will be hotizontal timber nailed on to vertical battens. I don't want to use concrete sills and since I'm not plastering I'm wondering about the options. Do "kits" exist for the flashing around timber windows ? Any recommendations on whether I could do the lot in timber and lash on the sealant all over the place or whether its a better idea to look for aluminium flashing ? Any potential pitfalls if I went for a no-sill solution and had the windows flush with the outside wall ?
    All comments welcome / Colm
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2007
    Go for bid sills and get the window inboard as far as possible. Make the sill overhang the cladding and the cladding will automatically form your weatherproof drip/ head detail.

    At the sides dont rely on sealants please. You could do a similar thing to the external corners and run a piece of wood up to close off the ends of the cladding boards but i like it better when there is a kind of sideways drip and the cladding over sails a beam fixed beside the window -- only a few mm tho.
    • CommentAuthorsmallcog
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2007
    Hi Tony, I'll have to ask what you mean my "bid sills" ? My wooden frame is 30cm deep so I can set the windows to the inside quite a bit if I want. For the sides I've seen photos of what looks like right angled lengths of plastic/PVC/alum which sits inside the cladding and the timber at the sides of the window box, similar to what can be used at the corners of a house. My problem is that while I've seen the photos I can't find the products anyplace.

    / Colm
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2007
    Big sills more than 175mm wide. Sorry

    I have seen plastic used to master the ends of the cladding but only when plastic windows were used.
    • CommentAuthorJohan
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2007 edited
    Lindab makes these kind if sills, see their website for details.
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