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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorrad-gone
    • CommentTimeAug 8th 2007
    We are working through a construction and development company to provide Climaboard to the South East!

    What is Climaboard I here you say!?

    Climaboard is a heating product that means you can get rid of your Radiators and make your house more energy efficient – savings up to 30%!

    When it comes to space saving & design, climaboard comes out top. You do not have to base your furniture around your radiators and you are maximising wall space.
    Also, on a winters day (or most English summer days!) you want to get warm, quick! - A standard radiator will push out some heat, but it will generally warm the surrounding areas at creating a 'hot spot'... Climaboard however will heat from the ground up creating an entire warm room evenly heated and heating the room quicker and cheaper!
    Climaboard provides quick and efficient control over room temperature, with energy savings of up to 30% as there are no accumulations of wasted heat below the ceiling.

    Benefits include

    · Energy efficient – savings of up to 30%
    · Unobtrusive, healthy and beneficial heat Works with gas, oil or electric power
    · No hot or spots - as little as 1° variation even up to 3 mtrs high
    · No micro dust
    · Inexpensive to install and maintain
    · Retrofittable, even in apartments without room for a boiler!
    · Stylish Italian design available in an infinite variety of finishes
    · Elimination of mould around corners and less micro-dust
    · 10 year warranty on parts

    So what are you waiting for - if you want more information, please get in touch or visit our website –http://www.radgone.co.uk

    Kind Regards,

    Luke Beeston

    M: 07506 739203
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