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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

PLEASE NOTE: A download link for Volume 1 will be sent to you by email and Volume 2 will be sent to you by post as a book.

Buy individually or both books together. Delivery is free!

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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 8th 2023
    I have been encouraged to write a book about my house. Not an easy thing for me to do as you all know how badly I write

    Available here : - https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=adventures+of+an+eco+builder&i=digital-text&crid=2WMODXAZ6Q9IX&sprefix=adventures+of+an+eco+builder%2Cdigital-text%2C112&ref=nb_sb_noss
    • CommentTimeJul 8th 2023
    Brilliant. Pity it's only Kindle - I don't touch it.
    Yes, I was going to ask if there's a chance of a paper one - or even a PDF? Happy to pay , just really don't like reading off screens if I can help it.
    • CommentAuthorJeff B
    • CommentTimeJul 8th 2023
    I was going to ask exactly the same thing! Much happier with something in print.
    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2023
    Have you tried eg a kindle (paperwhite) - you're not alone in preferring paper, and kindle are striving to make the experience as akin to paper as possible; a kindle doesn't emit light..

    Just think of the environmental benefits of having your reading material on a kindle!
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2023
    I'm not so sure - energy cost of running extra servers, let alone a share of the rest of the system.
    Fantastic Tony, congratulations!
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2023 edited
    Thanks Will!

    I think people can download kindle copy and print it yourself.

    I can get the book printed but it will turn out to too expensive to buy.

    I have been approached for the film rights. 🙂
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2023
    "There’s not an easy method to publish a Kindle formatted e-book. The plan of this format that those files use, in addition to the coating of DRM security Amazon, applies to protect its earnings, making it an obnoxiously complicated procedure for most folks when it’s possible in any way."


    "If you bought your Kindle ebook directly from Amazon, then there’s a layer of security added to keep you from distributing, modifying, or playing with it. The same is true of all borrowed Kindle titles coming from library collections. In such scenarios, you’re out of luck. There’s not any legal method of bypassing these protections to publish your articles."
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeJul 9th 2023
    Posted By: tonyThanks Will!

    I have been approached for the film rights. 🙂

    So who is playing the lead role then

    Tony should play the star role himself, and do all the stunts!

    The page layout and font are very clear to read on a screen, even on a mobile phone. Clearer than GBF! It's laid out with only a few hundred words per page, its not like trying to read a typical printed book on screen with loads of tiny font.

    Amazon must have realised that lots of authors can self publish books in this format for £3 (for Tony's lifetime wisdom - what a bargain!) which would never be possible in paper. You can get a large sample for free from Amazon, try it out and see, recommended. (But do pay up afterwards!)
    • CommentAuthorCharli
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2023
    Purchased.. on kindle.. to be told it doesn't work on my device.. a kindle. So reading will have to wait until I feel like sitting infront of my desktop PC for a few hours.
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2023
    Posted By: CharliPurchased.. on kindle.. to be told it doesn't work on my device.. a kindle.
    Hmm, report to Trading Standards? Misrepresentation of product.
    • CommentAuthorkristeva
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2023
    Congratulations Tony, as someone that has helped me quite a bit on this forum over the last few years with my renovation I'm sure this book will help many others too.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2023
    Apologies about the Kindle problems, it on the edge of my comfort zone. I read it using a free Kindle app on my i-pad.

    Thanks Paul for your kind words.
    Nice one!
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