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    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2023 edited
    Posted By: djhWon't it simply be a case of making it illegal to sell new stoves that don't meet the new rules?

    The rules only apply in urban areas so dirtier stoves can still be sold for rural areas. I guess the rules are to stop townies buying the dirtier stoves?? It's interesting that they've moved compliance responsibility from manufacturers/retailers/installers to the user
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2023
    "Jonti 1 hour ago quote

    I wonder how they reached the 38% quoted. I would assume it was more theory than fact."

    I guess they can analyse the PM in air samples and work out the source and proportion of the different types??
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2023
    Posted By: philedge"Jonti 1 hour ago quote

    I wonder how they reached the 38% quoted. I would assume it was more theory than fact."

    I guess they can analyse the PM in air samples and work out the source and proportion of the different types??

    For the whole country???
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2023
    It is not the particles that you can see that are dangerous, it is the very tiny ones.

    The point I was alluding to and not very well is that the more smoke you have the more particles of all different sizes you would have. So hopefully I will have less 2.5 particles than my neighbour with a tarry glass door.

    Why does quote not work between pages is there a way of doing it? Q91 seems to have managed it
    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2023
    Posted By: revorWhy does quote not work between pages is there a way of doing it? Q91 seems to have managed it
    It's only possible manually - the forum software is too old to support it automatically.

    See http://www.greenbuildingforum.co.uk/newforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=17633
    Posted By: revorIt is not the particles that you can see that are dangerous, it is the very tiny ones.

    The point I was alluding to and not very well is that the more smoke you have the more particles of all different sizes you would have. So hopefully I will have less 2.5 particles than my neighbour with a tarry glass door.

    Why does quote not work between pages is there a way of doing it? Q91 seems to have managed it

    It really is a non story. The car industry introduced cat's on exhausts to reduce pollution so if your so concerned just fit an electrostatic filter on your chimney stack, problem solved. Its not even new technology being around for at least a decade.
    Yes welding fume extractors often use these.
    Interested that the US edition of the Guardian is running a similar campaign against gas hob cookers, citing concerns about possible health effects of using gas to cook in home kitchens.


    This doesn't seem to even be a debate in the UK. Does anyone have any knowledge about how pollutants from gas cooking hobs stack up against other sources of air pollution?
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2023
    One of the links on that page claims: Gruenwald also compared stoves to having a smoker around, saying: “The stove is frankly going to be the main source of pollution if you don’t live in a home with a smoker.”
    "However, research has repeatedly found the emission of toxic chemicals and carcinogens from gas [hobs] even when they are turned off, is creating a miasma of indoor pollution that can be several times worse than the pollution experienced outdoors from car traffic and heavy industry."

    "A new study has now sketched out the risk being posed to children exposed to pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide that spew from the stoves, finding that 12.7% of all current cases of childhood asthma in the US are due to the use of gas stoves."

    Weird that the UK edition is running a campaign on wood burning stoves, while the US edition has very similar concerns about gas stoves, but neither edition is reporting on the other's concerns.
    I expect each Guardian campaign is the pet subject of a particular journalist in each country.In the uk G.Monbiott really has it in for log stoves.
    I remember when it was scented candles and before that burnt toast.
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2023
    Perhaps he has a gas hob, so can't hate on them just yet?
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