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    • CommentAuthortomlin
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2007
    As part of my self build in the far north west of scotland, I've been seriously considering a ground source heat pump.
    Having contacted several manufacturers I have been disappointed with the response I have received. My experience so far is that ;
    - I get no response from flling in enquiry forms on supplier websites
    - Telephone contact is not much better - promises of returned calls aren't honoured
    - Suppliers happy to quote but dont have their own installers and don't or can't provide installers covering the Highlands
    - Suppliers offer to 'train your plumber' - Im sorry but that doesn't inspire confidence (no disrespect to plumbers intended)

    If this is the response to a pre-sales enquiry, Im starting to question what level of post sales support will be available. I wonder if this is to do with geography or the fact that this is an imature technology in the UK ?

    Has anybody a good story to tell of installing GSHPs in the Scottish Highlands before I give up and go for an easy but not at all green option?
    • CommentAuthorchuckey
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2007
    I too have had this problem. When I e-mailed the supplier and asked him about the starting power surge and the regulations that would apply to where I live, all I got was a lot of B*** S*** that was at variance with what their web site said. I am going with oil.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 11th 2007
    Rome wasn't built in a day -- keep trying
    • CommentAuthorblacksmith
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2007
    Not sure where you are exactly but this one was done in 'rural Perthshire' - read about it last year. Details of useful contacts (?) at the end of the article. Hope it is of some use.


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