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    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2023
    Does anybody know anything about this ex-company? Three schools ordered to be closed because unsafe and perhaps demolished, two more part-built ones already demolished. It went into administarion last year and seems to have been based near Nottingham although registered in Scotland.

    How does building control work for DfE schools? How can nobody have noticed serious structural problems for four years and five schools?
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2023
    Posted By: djhDoes anybody know anything about this ex-company? Three schools ordered to be closed because unsafe and perhaps demolished, two more part-built ones already demolished. It went into administarion last year and seems to have been based near Nottingham although registered in Scotland.

    How does building control work for DfE schools? How can nobody have noticed serious structural problems for four years and five schools?

    I don't know about in in England but up here in Scotland we build one hospital after the other without passing on any feed back to either the architects or other health boards. We also build huge housing estates where the vast majority of buildings never see any inspections. We build ferries for hundreds of millions of pounds without any proper plans. That is how you end up with schools being closed for structural reasons as I doubt England is any better.:cry:
    • CommentTimeAug 24th 2023
    Posted By: Jontiup here in Scotland we build one hospital after the other without passing on any feed back to either the architects or other health boards.
    AIUI in England there's no need to pas feedback from one place to another, because they'll all be identical pre-fab builds controlled centrally, if they are ever forced to actually build even one new one (as opposed to lots of talk about building them) :(
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2023
    Is this the same company that built the school reported in the press 3 or so years ago where the brick wall fell down due to lack of wall ties?
    • CommentTimeAug 25th 2023
    I don't believe so.These schools used modular construction.
    The wall ties scandal turned out to include many dozens of schools, built by lots of different contractors for lots of different councils hundreds of miles apart. Basically the whole industry had given up on site supervision, and so had the big clients and the building standards service, they all thought someone else was responsible for that.

    The unsafe school buildings built by CM include modular classrooms and conventional site-built sports halls. So seems to me like a supervision problem with that contractor/client rather than a technology problem with the module system. Hopefully we will find out more if the client release their report.

    If you are sitting GCSEs/equivs this coming year then having your school suddenly close like this has massive consequences, happened to a friend's son. Someone should be accountable.
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