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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2007
    The CREATE Ecohome is ten years old this year. We’re marking this anniversary with an exciting summer line-up of activities. For more information see www.bristol.gov.uk/create or call CREATE on 0117 925 0505. Admission to all events is FREE.

    20 June - 8 September: Exhibition: Ecohome + 10: Designing the green homes of the future. What will the homes of the future look like? Building for the Future editor Keith Hall is among the leading environmental and building figures who have contributed their thoughts and nominated inspirational projects - from real-life homes to blue-sky thinking. (Other contributors include Kevin McCloud, Richard Rogers, Jonathan Porritt, Wayne Hemingway, Dick Strawbridge and Sue Roaf.) There’s also a chance for visitors to have a say. Open Mon - Fri 9 - 5 pm plus certain weekends - see website for details.

    Weds 20 June: Debate: Ecohomes - Where Next? The CREATE Ecohome is 10 years old this year - how would it look if we built it today? How can we build zero carbon homes and improve the environmental performance of existing housing? Architecture Week debate chaired by George Ferguson with presentations by panel members Craig White (White Design), Lucy Pedler (Green Register), Richard Silverman (Under the Sky), David Michael (Co-Housing Company) and Ecohome architect Richard Swann. 5.30 pm (exhibition viewing and Ecohome open), debate 6.30 - 8.30 pm. Free but booking advised; tickets must be collected by 6 pm. To reserve a ticket please call CREATE Reception on 0117 925 0505.

    Sun 1 July: Ecohome all-day birthday party. Help us celebrate the Ecohome's 10th birthday with hands-on eco activities for young and old, plus bar, music and cafe. 11 am - 5 pm.

    4 July, 1 August, 5 September: Late Night Ecohome open evenings continue on the first Wednesday of the month throughout the summer until September, with experts on hand to answer questions on different eco themes. See website for more information. 4 - 8 pm.

    CREATE Centre and Ecohome, Smeaton Road, Bristol BS1 6XN
    Tel. 0117 925 0505; www.bristol.gov.uk/create
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