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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    <And the shopping bag thing as well....>

    Let's be realistic - most people come in to the house with multiple bags of shopping once a week or so at most, and most likely have to put it down anyway to get their key out. Not really a major consideration methinks...
    • CommentAuthorJoinerbird
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2007
    Ahhhh, once a week eh? Ok, so if your the type to only use the supper shop once a week, then maybe, but I who uses local shops little and often find myself with hands full. Very rarely do I arrive home from work empty handed.....

    But I stand by my theory of our traditioal housing stock orrigonaly built in cramped and crowded conditions so outward openers not the best op, course, we can opt out of that now eh?
    • CommentAuthorhoya105
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2007
    My front and back doors are outward opening - I prefer it! Very offputting to burglars and bailiffs, a hook keeps them open when wanted, and it means i can clutter up my porch as much as i want to and can still get in and out! That's the beauty of self-build - have your house exactly as you want it!
    • CommentAuthorhowdytom
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2007
    Exitex offer a range of outward opening door sills !!!.
    • CommentAuthorBob M
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2007
    I lived in Denmark for a while, and outward opening doors are common there. I was told that this decreased any draught when the door was closed. A strong wind would force the door against the draught stripping.
    Whereas with an inward opening door, a wind tends to blow the door away from the draught stripping, perhaps allowing a gap to open up and allowing a draught through.
    Nice one Bob, a good argument for opening out!
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 21st 2007
    Bob but that depends on which way the wind is blowing.
    • CommentAuthorTerry
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2007
    Tony, I think you have just ensured a no-show at your next curry evening :bigsmile:
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