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    It has been announced that Cornwall is going to get another slice of European Grant Funding. We are thinking (as company) about putting together a package to submit to see if we can benefit from this funding. Part of the proposal would be a new build stand alone building. I am really keen that this would be as green as possible. Everything else here is wood in construction so would like to stick with that but apart from that open to ideas bearing in mind we are based on a working farm. What i would really appreciate is a guide to cost per sq meter for a green build around 80sq meters. At the moment we just have to lodge an expression of interest so a very rough price is all I would need (this could then be tightened if we were successful) at this stage. Any help gratefully received!
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2012
    What is it? House? Venue space? Barn?
    Sorry Tom I was pretty vague! Mainly pick and pack warehousing for small items (candles!) plus admin area. the plan is our online selling is growing almost daily and this area would be the Hub to handle internet orders in and out, keeping the existing office and workshops for trade orders. Picture attached shows the office on the left and the factory is the bigger building on the right (and check out the shiny new turbine on the left!) new building would sit behind the office. Thanks
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2012
    so - heated space or not?
    Yes just to normal office working temp. We would need to start from scratch as the factory could not heat it and the office has its own propane gas boiler.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeMar 19th 2012 edited
    If Cornwall has is planning to introduce the CIL they will have assumed a build cost for different types of building (residential, business etc) when they did their viability assessment. Might be worth a look at that data.
    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2012
    A timber building with straw bale infill would work. But loadbearing or hybrid would be OK too:

    Thanks for your input guys, I will get busy with the research I guess what I want is a build that would be really cutting edge. This would be I hope good for the planet, good for PR and a great place to work in. However money as allways will rear its ugly head! I was told to allow £1500 per Sq m for a wood build plus extras so just not sure if this is realistic
    • CommentTimeMar 20th 2012
    Let you imagination run wild, then apply basic engineering solutions to each area. Take no nonsense from salesmen, talk to engineers, they are cheaper and like challenges.
    Airtightness and insulation are my first choice (aren't they always), then lighting (needs to be good and controllable for an office), and finally then look at powering it.
    When you have done that, go to the pub, get drunk and see what other think as I once heard that the difference between English engineers and Japanese ones is the English have a good idea when drunk and discus it when sober, with the Japanese have an idea sober and then discus it when drunk. I loved the reliability and simplicity of my old Suzuki.
    • CommentAuthorCav8andrew
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2012
    ST, I am fascinated by Japanese woodworking tools, fundamentally the same as Western tools but at the same time different. Saws cutting on the pull stroke, etc. The half finished nature of the tools, the final assembly/adjustment made by the purchaser.

    Is it a North/South hemisphere effect ?

    Just don't let me near an Axminster Tools catalogue !
    As you know ST insulation is a lesson long overdue here! so with any new build that will be a top priority. Airtightness is also high but I am unsure regarding building regs with this, at home we took advantage of the government's fixed price cavity wall insulation and when the guys came to inject the walls they had to drill a bloody big air vent in the kitchen wall as we have a Rayburn in there (the crazy thing is there is also an open fire in the same room!) the guys said everyone covers them up afterwards but it is regulation for them to do it. I have happily covered this at home to stop the gale but obviously in a place of work we would need to meet regs can you have a near airtight workplace, or regardless of what heating is installed do you need a certain amount of ventalation?
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2012
    Posted By: Cav8andrewIs it a North/South hemisphere effect ?

    Could be, Japan is in the Northern Hemisphere, what do Chileans do :bigsmile:

    Make it airtight and then control the air changes (with heat recovery/induced fresh air). It is easy to design in pipes and vents when it is on paper, much harder to do when timber and concrete, not to mention a yard of insulation.
    With a bit of clever design you could draw warm air from under some PV panels to help warm the office. The area you have to work with allows for many possibilities.

    Start with a box and work from there, imagine where everything needs to go (ish) and then start thinking about servicing them. One area that will generate heat is your server room. This could be an advantage to you.
    • CommentAuthorCav8andrew
    • CommentTimeMar 21st 2012
    ST, you mean the South West isn't in the Southern hemisphere ? those plug holes have been playing tricks again !
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012
    Things are different down here :bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorCav8andrew
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2012
    Beau, those are wonderful, a work of art. The samurai sword of the woodworking world
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