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    I have an old ad in the wanted section that is now redundant and can be removed. Any ideas how to do this? There doesn't to be an option for cancelling a post?
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    Make it a private message to yourself
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    Or just edit it and replace the text with 'deleted' or somesuch
    sorry to be a dimbo, but can you let me know how I go about turning my post into a private message to myself?

    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014 edited
    Go to your very first post, edit it, fill your name into the whisper box and save changes (I think), never tried doing it.

    Just seen if I can do it on one of mine, seems you cant
    I just tried djh's suggestion and that didn't work either. Looks like my tiles wanted ad is now on the forum forever!
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2014
    No. just edit the text to a ' . ' or maybe a 'ha-ha'!
    That seems to have worked now - ta-dah! Still think it's a bit rubbish you can't simply remove the whole ad though
    • CommentAuthormike7
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2014 edited
    Posted By: SteamyTeaGo to your very first post, edit it, fill your name into the whisper box and save changes (I think), never tried doing it.

    Just seen if I can do it on one of mine, seems you cant

    It did work for me - seems you have to make a change of some sort (like adding a full stop) before it will accept....Yep - I just removed this and replaced it adding a dot or two each time. I might just set to work now removing some of my more foolish posts...
    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2014
    I seem to remember you can't do it to the first post of a thread - maybe if there's been another post added or something.
    Posted By: Ed DaviesI seem to remember you can't do it to the first post of a thread
    Correct! in my experience.
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2014
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2014 edited
    That post above has the word 'help' preceded by a '<'
    The '<' hides the text, no idea why though. Voodoo I think.
    • CommentAuthorskyewright
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2014 edited
    Posted By: SteamyTeaThat post above has the word 'help' preceded by a '<'
    The '<' hides the text, no idea why though.

    If you look at the source, your

    'help' preceded by a '<'

    has become

    '<' then 'help' then '>' then '<' then '/' 'help' then '>'

    i.e. a bit of html markup! Presumably something was trying to be "helpful"!

    Voodoo I think.

    Any technology sufficiently advanced...
    Still can't remove the post though voodoo or not :wink:
    • CommentTimeFeb 5th 2014
    Anything je do, voo do better - voo do everything better than moi.
    Post removal gives me bad juju.

    So I gave up in the end and asked the administrator to remove them for me!

    thanks for everyones input anyway
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