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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorEd Davies
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2017
    Some people get very upset at the idea of a basic income: “but but some people wouldn't work”. So what? Most people not employed would find useful things to do. Some would indeed become couch potatoes but they're probably not the ones you want in the workplace anyway.
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2017
    All a nonsense really Tom, just my mind wandering.

    Those couch potatoes, when forced to work, lower the general productivity of the nation.
    That is not a good thing.
    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2017
    While we have to put up with teh contrivance that is "money", can we not instead look to replace most benefits with a notion that "the government is your employer - you want your giro? here's a litter picking stick*"

    ST, I've read a few Ben Elton books that comedically consider future horrors born of the millenial generation.. And I note that House of Cards (in so far as i've watched) has the "government employer" concept.. Star Trek has the most useful future and perhaps one you describe; empowered by technology that provides for every material need, money is done away with and people get on with a determined effort to advance the civilisation. It's a bit too much of a leap for most though, i think, because money as a regulator is such an ingrained concept

    * or whatever for-the-public-good occupation suits your incapacity
    • CommentTimeMar 22nd 2017 edited
    Posted By: cjardcan we not instead look to replace most benefits with a notion that "the government is your employer - you want your giro? here's a litter picking stick
    I can't tell whether that's a suggestion, or satirical?

    Posted By: cjardmoney as a regulator is such an ingrained concept
    because it's incessantly kept that way - a lot of house-of-cards would collapse.
    Posted By: fostertom
    Posted By: cjardcan we not instead look to replace most benefits with a notion that "the government is your employer - you want your giro? here's a litter picking stick
    I can't tell whether that's a suggestion, or satirical?

    Thats the situation here - the unemployed have some time on unemployment then move to social support where the continued payments are dependent upon the recipient turning up for the community based work.

    The system works, the police report lower crime because the unemployed have their time filled and are not on the streets and the community areas are better maintained and other projects get done that otherwise would not happen. I also know cases where people have refused the work, preferring to do without the state support rather than do the work. Great - saves society money and why pay someone who is not prepared to do anything for society supporting them.

    And another thing they do here is that child allowance is linked to school attendance. Too much nonattendance and child allowance is cut. Truancy (defined as the child bunking of school) and non attendance (defined as parents not bothering to send their kids to school) has been significantly cut.
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