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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthornick a
    • CommentTimeJul 29th 2007
    I'm about to set up a grey water experiment using a slow sand filter. The idea is to have a low tech filtration system for domestic grey water. The flitered water would then be stored for a short time before use. The water is not to be used for drinking but would be used for flushing a WC and for garden irrigation. I'm aware of the problems with grey water storage, which is why I wanted to give this a go.

    The slow sand filters I've found on the internet use large volumes of sand, but are intended for wholesome drinking water. I'd like to know if I use a much smaller volume of sand (approx 250mm deep in plastic feed and expansion cistern) whether it will remove enough bacteria etc to make the resulting water safe and relatively odourless to store before use. Does anyone know the answer or where I might find it? Would I be better off trying a different approach altogether?

    Thanks in advance,
    • CommentAuthorAguillar
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2007
    We have made a slow sand filter so process our waste [everything except human waste - we made a composting loo for that]. We found sand was too slow for a 80l container and switched to gravel. Once better weather is here we will be moving up to a larger container [sheep water trough ~250l] but will most likely still use gravel.
    We don't store the water after processing though.
    NB CAT do a £1 info sheet on this topic.
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