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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    We have started a barn conversion in Sussex and are considering the following :-
    1. Rayburn 355mf [already purchased]
    2. Solar panel[s]
    3. Wet underfloor heating
    4. wood burning fire [with back boiler]
    5. 12Kw electric boiler as backup & when the house is unoccupied.

    I have seen for sale a Triple input coiled indirect cylinder for sale - how does this differ to a thermal store?
    Where can I get a schematic design done on the appliances we intend to use?
    Any thoughts would be welcome.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2007
    All looks fine except

    5) kW electric boiler --- you are mad

    You will pay far too much for your heat if you have to use it.

    Why not design out the heating system?

    If you must use electric heating then please use a heat pump -- you will get 3.5 > 4 kW of heat for each kW of electricity you put in.

    I'd opt for a ground or air source heat pump instead of the panels coupled with your underfloor heating - that'll provide heating & some hot water, then a backup electrical system (12kW sounds hefty). Keep the Rayburn and woodburner (backboiler is a plus).
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