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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    I've recently found out that I own part of a field in the north of Scotland. Being an industry professional I've always wanted to get my hands dirty and build my own house, my only problem being my lack of experience in small scale construction matters.

    Can anyone recommend book that'd give me a crash course in the process? I'm well versed in my field there are gaps in my knowledge especially when it comes to choosing one construction method over another (e.g. double skinned brick with cavity versus timber framed).

    Any help appreciated.

    Also, has anyone built their own house and documented the process? I'd be very interested to read these. Again, many thanks. :smile:
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    Barry's Introduction to the construction of buildings?
    Mark Brinkley's book "The Housebuilders Bible" is a handly little tomb. I've never really used it in anger but did find it very informative when I read it cover to cover.

    Now that's what I call a plug! Thankyou, Mark.
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007 edited
    I have a copy of "Brick by Brick" ed. Jackie Schofield, foreword by Rod Hackney, from 1989. Contains personal accounts of self-build projects.

    PS. I'd love to discover that I own a piece of land, anywhere.
    Try The Whole House Book, Simply Build Green, Out of the Woods
    'Mark Brinkley's book "The Housebuilders Bible" is a handly little tomb.'

    In this eco age I suppose we have to accept all possible uses for books as well as everything else.

    For reducing the environmental impact:
    ditto all Nicks suggestions plus for more technical approach Sue Roaf, 'Eco house 2' (new edition recently out) and Robert and Brenda Vale 'New Autonomous House'

    For general self build:
    MB's book is good no nonsense stuff, although I would not recommend its use as a tomb, unless you are very tiny or have lots of spare copies.
    On similar lines is 'Building Your Own Home' by David Snell and Murray Armor.

    For remembering to enjoy it and making it a home:
    Jon Broome's 'Self Build Book' (He has just released a similar book specifically on 'Green' self build)
    Christopher Day, 'Spirit + Place'

    If I had to choose 2 for starters it would be 'The Whole House Book' and The Self Build Book'

    Also look at 'Self build and Design' magazine.

    Once you've read all of those(!) I'd contact a good architect, a good one will save you money and help you every step of the way, still leaving you in control all within a flexible fee arrangement, (and may well have already read all these books (!)). ...a bad one will just annoy you and cost you money...

    Also if its in the North of Scotland you should visit the Findhorn Foundation to see some fantastic examples of low impact, beautiful homes. Failing that the site location should provide ample opportunities to acquire good quality single malt whisky, which will prove invaluable over the coming months...


    P.S. This 'field'... what's the planning context?
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2007 edited
    Thanks to all who've contributed so far and apologies to my postman who'll be struggling under the weight of 'tombs' ordered.

    The planning context is that it is adjacent to the croft my Grandad built in 1968. Another house also lies to the east of the field and it looks out over a glen. My Grandad tried to register the land and his house as a croft with the local council to get tax reflief of running a mini-farm, unfortunately for him they refused. Therefore I'm not entirely sure it'd be classed as 'agricultural land'. Tentative discussions are about to be held with Highland Council so watch this space.

    Also there is a spring towards the back of the plot (the field itself is about 900m from the Black Isle distillery) so maybe I could leave spave for a micro distillery in a garden shed. Or I could just try to focus on the main objective :)
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