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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2007
    It would be very interesting to know how many readers have had to have a ridge tile re-bedded onto the roof of their house. I suspect that many readers, some of whom live in quite new houses, have had ridge tiles blown off their roofs at some time during the past few years. Certainly it would be true to say that far too many ridge tiles have been coming adrift in recent years. Why is this? There are several reasons:-

    One reason is that, in my view, all ridge tiles should positively mechanically fixed in addition to cement mortar or other bedding which is used. The majority of ridges are still put on roofs using mortar and although many specifications say ‘fully bed’ this is very rare to find. I feel that we should be using ridge tiles that weigh about twice as much as they do at present. It should be borne in mind that most Victorian ridge tiles haven’t moved since the day they were laid despite the fact that the mortar under them has turned to dust.

    We must therefore mechanically fix down ridge tiles in all locations in order to provide longevity to our roofs.
    I like the dry ridge systems, which have the advantage of providing continuous ventilation where necessary
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    I have used the dry ridge system and I can't see the point in using anything else.
    It's quick with no mess or need for use of mortar.
    Excellent ridge ventilation and Mechanically fixed tiles, its a winner. :bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    So then we think clip on systems are the way to go. Should they be mandatory in that case?

    What about hips where 'ridge' tiles are used?
    Not done this but I think some systems could be used on hips. Not sure about making them mandatory, maybe where ventilation is a requirement? Also it is nice to re-use ridges wherever possible
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    Most ridge tiles have been standard size, at base, for a long time. How critical is that size? - how adaptable are the fixing systems?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    Dream on there is no such thing as standard size yet each maker has slightly different sizes and shapes and so make their own systems to go with their product.

    It would be a great idea to standardise these though. ( Sigh may be one day we will use our brains )
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    I have used the klober dryfix

    It Should be fine on hips when using ridge tiles.
    They come in various sizes and it should be possible to use it for most ridges.The Ridge Comb is very flexible and forms the seal between ridge and tile ,it squashes down when you screw the ridge tile to the ridge tree batten.
    There is some plastic involved though:shamed:, a small plastic arch which fits between the ridge tiles.
    Have a look at Uni Dry Vent Ridge Fixing Instructions.pdf
    I have also used klober, which seems to be commonly used, probably because it is low cost compared to Redland/Marley systems
    • CommentAuthorchuckey
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    The reason ridge tiles blow off is down to poor workmanship. To get mortar to bond to "sanded" roof tiles is very difficult as it involves wire brushing the sand off in the place where the mortar is going to go and washing the surface clean of any loose debris. Also the ridge tiles are often sanded as well. I have noticed that all modern brickies and roofers use a new type of mortar that somehow penetrates the loose dust on the outside of a brick/slate/tile to bond to the substrate underneath the loose stuff. I have tried to buy some but it is only available to professionals.
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    mechanically fixed; cement mortar; clip on systems; mandatory; standard size; plastic; Redland/Marley; :cry:

    Blimey. None of these things are an issue when you re-use 18th century ridge tiles in the way the makers intended. And they look nice.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    I agree with that one Biff.
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