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    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeAug 5th 2011
    Damon HD is consistently using half the CO2 in a four person house as we are. What is he doing right and what are we doing wrong? This is at a time of year when we have no heating on and almost all our hot water is solar. Possible cluprits a plethora of chargers, fridge-freezer, cooking all electric, washing clothes and dishes and lots of ironing (which I don't hold with). Any tips for us Damon and congratulations for being top of the charts.
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011 edited
    Not quite top in all of the clubs, since our meters don't run backwards! B^>

    At this time of year when our gross electricity consumption is about 4kWh/day about half of that is being met directly from the solar on our roof, so we import about 2kWh/d which is what iMeasure sees. (We could lower the imports if we ran the washing machine and dishwasher during the day, but running them at night I think results in a smaller carbon footprint.) We're good at turning things off when we don't need them, and aim to buy the most efficient replacement for anything beyond repair. We do 25% washes cold and most of the rest at 30C, which drastically cuts consumption there.

    Our cooking (gas) is maybe an average 2kWh/d and DHW (gas) 3kWh/d. I made quite a dent in that last figure single-handedly by cutting down from daily hot bath to weekly hot bath plus quick showers as needed; everyone else is already much more parsimonious than me!



    PS. No ironing of my clothes, ever!
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
    Robin, do you have an energy monitor at home so that you can see what is really using the power.
    Yesterday I used 9 kWh, the last week was 62 kWh and the last 30 days was 281kWh. Most is the permanently running PC logging all the data and water heating (all electric here)
    As an Idea of what is currently happening I have 2 PCs on (obviously), 1 18 W light (you may ask why), radio charging, possibly fridge running (but don't think so), two radio alarms (just clock), 2 chargers, (one batteries for camera and other a phone one) and I am still using 140W.
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
    Good point ST. All my permanently-on computer gear is low-power and currently off grid. Indeed my ADSL/WiFi uses more than my server.

    The display on our microwave oven, washing machine and dishwasher would each use more than my server if we left them on all the time rather than switching them off at the wall.


    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
    I went into the local independent PC store to ask about very low power PCs (got to run Windows of some flavour) and they seemed to know less about it than me, so still on a search.
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011 edited
    There were several Windows-capable PCs when I looked at 10W or less; even the Apple TV thing. But in general a decent laptop (maybe second-hand) with the screen turned off is a good start and likely better than almost any desktop.


    I've moved house , cant find how to reset imeasure , any ideas . Perhaps I'll just re-register
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011 edited
    Just create new meters and stop updating the old ones, then you get continuity of your household's footprint?


    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011 edited
    Lets see if we can give you a run for your money at our new pad.
    Doubt I'll get the full EWI done this year, as I've been seduced by PV and FITs induced greed , so should be interesting to see difference when I do .

    No-fines concrete 1950s build, 3 bed end of terrace, approx 90m2
    2 adults , 3 children
    G rated GAS boiler/ gravity hot water cylinder
    double glazing
    So far only added
    Low energy lighting throughout
    Insulation -quilt 300mm loft and eps 200mm EWI to 18m2 extension (currently with OSB sheet as back door )
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
    Gas boiler? If not then maybe get a voucher for a heat-pump plus solar?


    Yes, gas is great
    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
    Well, do the solar thermal with a £300 voucher as a warm-up exercise...


    • CommentTimeAug 6th 2011
    Any links to the 10W PCs gratefully, my twin core, Vista Acer is an energy hog, but then I have the whole of the WWW hanging of fit I think.
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
    Fit PC is the first one that comes to mind: http://www.fit-pc.com/web/


    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2011
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2011 edited
    Posted By: DamonHDWell, do the solar thermal with a £300 voucher as a warm-up exercise...



    I'd have to MCS reg. for solar thermal or pay some one £3000+ to do it.
    I should be able to DIY it for less than £800 , so it makes the voucher a bit meaningless
    If I was loaded I'd go for those PVT panels , but unfortunately I'm not.
    Currently considering cheapy Upsolar panels
    and doing a hypocritcial U-turn on my buy British mantra
    • CommentAuthorskyewright
    • CommentTimeAug 7th 2011 edited
    Posted By: DamonHDFit PC is the first one that comes to mind:http://www.fit-pc.com/web/" >http://www.fit-pc.com/web/

    Seconded. I've been running an earlier model of the Fit-PC as a 24/7 weather/environment logger & data publisher for several years. If you don't need WiFi you can save an extra W or so by turning it off.

    As Damon mentioned, when you get down to PC's like these you can easily get to a position where Broadband routers and the like are consuming more power than the PC!

    The "admin" computer here is an Asus eeeBox. That's less frugal (around 14W) than the Fit-PC, but was substantially cheaper so as it's only on as and when needed I compromised...
    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2011
    I've come to the conclusion it's baking bread at home in an electric oven that's pushing up our scores. I like to cook a lot from scratch and always felt it was better than all the packaging that comes from ready made food. I'm starting to wonder if the economies of centralised cooking outweigh that.

    All those little chargers must add up as well. Phones, Ipods, laptops. We've decided to ban them from bedrooms and line them all up in one place.

    Thanks for all the tips.

    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2011
    Incidentally, I've being trying out http://uk.theclimatecup.eu/ over the last few days which has a slightly different set of strengths and weaknesses than imeasure (eg it understands PV but not UK time!) and if a few of you would sign up one of us, and quite possibly the UK overall, would probably win!

    (BTW, with its slightly different numbers, etc, theclimatecup does have our home as marginally carbon-negative and with primary energy about 1/3 that otherwise expected for our situation. I'm just grateful that my first ever house turned out to be so well built! And I have a new drylining question brewing...)


    • CommentAuthorecohome
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2011
    I'm toying with getting some of the http://www.byebyestandby.co.uk/ stuff, tho' the 'puter interface is a bit steep, price-wise. Anyone tried them? The dream scenario is that when I hit my 'bedtime' button on the phone, the house goes into sleep mode - power down, apps off, blinds down. (keep on only essentials)

    I've also been told that a Viglen MPC-L makes for a good low-power server/logger - see http://stanford-clark.com/viglen.html
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2011
    You can do a lot of that with the X-10 home automation stuff, though the bits use a little juice themselves of course.

    I've had just such a set-up (well, no blinds) in the past, from a hand-held control or from/with the computer. Sometimes I use that stuff for burglar deterrence when we're off on hols.

    But generally it's more effective/efficient just to turn stuff off manually when you're done with it: no vampire load!


    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2011 edited
    cant seem to find a community league table anymore ,
    does this make this thread redundent. Shame, I quite liked coming in the top 5
    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2011
    Yes the league tables all seem to be gone and also I'm finding it hard to make a direct comparison of our household v. community.
    Shall we ask for them back?
    yes , the advantage was we could look at each other set up and resultant performance, then discuss the various action taken to make improvements etc.
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2011
    I'm hoping that their absence is just temporary since it does indeed kill most of the value of the Communities area not to have those graphs and the slight sense of competition...

    I think someone else should write to them as I assume that I am not flavour of the month at iMeasure Towers for various reasons...


    • CommentAuthorNickiB
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2011
    I have already asked them what has happened to the league table but have had no answer - it's the only reason I am on iMeasure (as Bobcat) as it's useful to know how much leccy I am using compared to other households (and it brings out my very competitive streak!)
    • CommentAuthoralexc
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2011 edited
    shall email as well.
    come on robin. You should be well ahead of me. I am in a rented place. Admittedly I am a miser, long term, and have most tricks by habit. Am going to do diy to cut gas bill this autumn, owner be damned. Not allowing me curtains!
    I noted also an erroneous entry in transition which took this house down to g+. Corrected that and now its a+! Hello. This a rented 12 y/o place. So watch those figures. B + sounds fine.
    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2011
    Unfortunately you don't choose your family and I live with 4 others. We are an A+ on the imeasure tables but I'm not sure how good that is, those rankings really worked to show how much better we could be. Perhaps it goes to A++++
    I will email Alex-the-intern at Imeasure who helped with my login problem.
    (Hi Alex from Imeasure if you read this let us know!)
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012 edited
    Posted By: jamesingramcheers,
    Lets see if we can give you a run for your money at our new pad.
    Doubt I'll get the full EWI done this year, as I've been seduced by PV and FITs induced greed , so should be interesting to see difference when I do .

    No-fines concrete 1950s build, 3 bed end of terrace, approx 90m2
    2 adults , 3 children
    G rated GAS boiler/ gravity hot water cylinder
    double glazing
    So far only added
    Low energy lighting throughout
    Insulation -quilt 300mm loft and eps 200mm EWI to 18m2 extension (currently with OSB sheet as back door )

    Hi , as we cant compare our usage against one another I thought I'd post my last 6 months gas/elect
    to see how we've faired at the new place, described above, relative to others.
    ( PV install 12 Dec. 358kWh gen. to date)

    22/8/11 - 20/2/12

    Gas 5276 kWh (gas CH/HW/hob)
    elect 845 kWh
    so all in 68kWh/m2 for last 6 months (disregarding PV gen. meter)

    + probably 1/2-3/4 m3 of wood (kWh?) for living room 4kW burner

    Mainly it's the heating fuel usage I'm interested in compairing
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2012
    The whole 2011 gas figure for heating (removing an assumed ~1825kWh for heating and cooking) was 2111kWh or approx 28kWh/m^2 for the year (76m^2 heated floor space).

    (Monthly figures all here http://www.earth.org.uk/saving-electricity.html#meter2011 for further analysis over any interval you like: I assume 5kW/d gas for DHW and cooking.)


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