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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2007 edited
    Date: 28th April 2007*

    Time: 10am - 4.30am*

    Venue: CUBE Gallery/ Bridge-5-Mill (Manchester's leading environmental charity)

    Theme: Green Architecture Day 4 follows on the successful series of events featuring national and international exponents of sustainable
    building practice. As more people recognise the benefits of natural building materials and renewable energy for renovation of their existing homes as well as new build, this year our speakers reflect this interest with a mix of verbal and practical insight.

    Speakers include:
    Will Anderson* [Diary of an Eco Builder] - the Tree House an urban self-builders experience.
    George Marshall* [The Yellow House] – how a typical 1930’s terrace is now a cool eco friendly home
    Rowland Keable* [In Situ Rammed Earth] – the beauty and versatility of rammed earth for extensions, gardens and homes.
    Nick Parsons* [South Yorkshire Energy Centre] – renewable energy and sustainable renovations.
    Jeff Sorrill* [The Green Roof Development (GRID) project] – green roofs from the inspirational to the practical.
    Gideon Richards *[Consulting With A Purpose] – biomass fuel and its applications in your home.
    Gilli Hobbs* [BRE] – Energy monitoring and best performance materials, The T-Zero Project.

    The day will be packed with eco tips, demonstrations and inspiring discussion with a hearty lunch and eco bus tour between venues included.

    For booking and event information

    http://www.green-architecture.org.uk or 0161 273 5367 [answer machine]

    The event has been geerously supported by Building For A Future Magazine, the Arts Council
    and The Impact Fund.
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