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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2007
    The new planning ideas coming out that if the neighbours agree to a dormer or some other mini carbuncle then it is all right to build it. This is such a major departure from historical planning guidelines that it is almost unbelievable. it gives carte blanche to do whatever you like and say that the neighbours agreed so it must have been OK to build it. A new kind of do what you like culture is looming.

    The idea that if it is not on the front of a building then that is OK is also a new one and equally dangerous.

    How come windmills are OK but not solar panels? And why are homes in national parks penalised -- if it is too ugly there then it is too ugly in my town too.

    No planning for conservatories! are they crazy -- these things if heated loose so much heat that they should not be allowed any more on purely energy efficiency grounds never mind carbon saving reasons.
    • CommentAuthorken davis
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2007
    I think the cartoon by Hellman in this weeks architects journal says it all : 2 women in a conservatory, one saying to the other 'how nice that i didn't need planning permission for my new conservatory'. Through the conservatory at the end of the garden you can see a new nuclear power plant!
    If there is some interest i'll put up some of my suggestions for improving the planning system, perhaps as a new discussion?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2007
    Oh yes, go on then please do.
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