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    Considering adding a PV panel to my shop I'm currently renovating. Where's teh cheapest place to buy them and what sort of payback period do they have these days?

    I also need help with shop lighting, anywhere I can read up on? Eg. how many lights per area etc. etc. the shop is ~65m2
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2016
    I would say forget the PV and invest in someone else's, like a community scheme, they offer 5% or there a outs plus your money back, investing in your own would be 3or 4% and not money back.

    Six 600 X 600 LED light panels spaced out surface mounted.
    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2016
    I would say that anything that lets your shop make a profit quicker, is of more value then reducing the energy the shop uses…..
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2016
    :) Quick win verses the long term game
    I'll compromise then....

    Basic lighting with LED bulbs?

    Any particular brands for track lighting? She's looking for 4 tracklights of between 3-4 bulbs
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2016
    6 or 8 cheap ones off the web then with four spots mounter on a round, square or long base.

    What will you be selling?
    Haven't you mentioned a few times that it is a wedding shop for your partner? If clothes / wedding dresses are being tried on I would have thought it requires some careful planning around the lighting of that area at least. I would have thought this one question the GBF might not be the best at offering advice on! :bigsmile:
    Yes wedding shop...
    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2016
    Posted By: tony:) Quick win verses the long term game

    Without a quick win, there may be no long term.....
    Agreed, I always look at things in term of upfront cost over expected timescale, some of the refurbishment options despite being green simply do not stack up.
    Lighting engineer has been out and confirmed what we need, pretty much one chandelier and several track lights. We are awaiting his quote.

    In the interim, where is the cheapest place to find track lights? bulbs will need to have specific light spectrum's so will need to look at those after..
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2016
    BHS! Or up the longest river in the world.
    The nile is the longest but I assume you mean amazon...
    • CommentAuthorbarney
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2016
    Make sure you get the colour rendering correct - potential brides get quickly pissed off when that pure white satin gown she has her heart set on looks decidedly creamy or grey - and her complexion looks awful as well as the direction of lighting is far too modelling

    Lighting that shop is a huge part of your sales strategy - do not have cheap lamps that colour shift with age

    Usually, the solution is a combination of tungsten, tungsten halogen and LED - you want the widest spectrum you can get - and don't forget the impact of daylight (both in terms of light and heat)

    When Memsahib is squeezing big brides into frocks that are 2 sizes too small, it all gets a bit sweaty


    We've just had a quote from EMA lighting in Cardiff which is very competitive, I cannot find anything cheaper on-line using their shopping list.

    I'll try the two local electrical factors and see what they can do
    • CommentAuthorbarney
    • CommentTimeJul 20th 2016
    EMA lighting is just a trading division of LH Evans electrical wholesalers

    Yeah I noticed on the quotation, much cheaper than Edmundsons
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