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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

PLEASE NOTE: A download link for Volume 1 will be sent to you by email and Volume 2 will be sent to you by post as a book.

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    My name is Ioana and I am currently studying my master's degree in Real Estate Finance and Investment at UWE Bristol.

    I am working on my dissetation with the title “Is BREEAM the Key to a Sustainable Future? A Study Assessing Its Influence on Commercial Property Value” which analyzes if a commercial building gains benefits in terms of sale price, rental value, speed of transaction, ability to secure finance and corporate image and prestige value, by obtaining a BREEAM Certificate. In order to gain an in-depth analysis, I created a questionnaire for potential participants who have knowledge in terms of BREEAM and commercial real estate. The responses would be anonymous and further used for research purposes only.

    If you would be able to complete this questionnaire it would be much appreciated and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    I will attach the link below and then you can decide if it is something that you would be interested in completing.
    Thank you so much for your time!

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