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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthormhsayers
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007

    First post here so be gentle.

    I live on a spit of land called shoreham beach this is essentially about 1000 houses built on a shingle bed with about 1.2 metres of soil on top. W ea re planning an extension because we can't afford to move to a larger property in the same location, and do not consider the plot to be over developed even by the time we have finished. However the shingle bed is proving to be a problem. the original builer used pile and raft but the council are saying that for our purposes we need only do the raft bit as we are only having a single storey extension on the rear. can anyone explain the difference between th 2 and what is likely to happen if we mix foundation types......

    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    The reason you can get away without the piles is that its single storey only. The loadings will be a lot lower.
    The piles are used to carry additional load down into the ground. The length of pile is determined by the bearing capacity of the ground and the load.

    As with any extension there is always the risk of differential settlement as the newer building slowly compacts the ground.
    Building with the same type of foundation does not prevent this.

    The effects of it can be reduced by making sure allowance is made for this movement in the way you connect the two buildings together.
    The two buildings should be allowed to move slightly in a vertical plane.
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