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      CommentAuthorNovy Mlyn
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2007
    Does anyone know of a producer of cost effective PV roof slates?

    The prices I've seen (which most suppliers seem to keep secret for as long as possible) seem to be totally unachievable.

    I need to replace a large roof, and would love to use solar PV if I can afford it.

    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2007
    If you need to ask the price you cant afford it.

    They will not be cheap. You can also use roof integrated panels which are instead of slates.

    Budget at least £500 per sq m plus vat before you get a grant which will be very small for domestic.

    There are normally better ways to spend money on energy conservation which are more cost effective and sustainable.
      CommentAuthorNovy Mlyn
    • CommentTimeJul 28th 2007 edited
    £500 per sq m is ridiculous. This would be several times my annual electricity bill per slate, and the roof is 196 sqm plus.

    In context, I live in the Czech Republic, and £500 is two months average salary.

    Does anyone on this forum have PV roof slates installed? How happy are you with them?
    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeJul 29th 2007
    Prices for PV panels in the Czech Republic will probably be significantly lower than the UK which I believe suffers from artificially inflated prices to match the economy. So ask around a little closer to home Novy.
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