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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2023
    Is anyone else doing this online course? Has anyone here completed it?
    I do think it is a useful course and very worthwhile, and there is a tutor you can email. But I thought I was joining a group of students, with some form of forum to discuss points learned, clear up confusion and generally share opinion but I seem to be pretty much alone. I believe there was such a thing when it first launched. Fortunately I do know a couple of people in real life who are doing the course but would have welcomed a wider debate on the topics raised.
    I did it right at the beginning, as one of the 'guinea pigs'. I thought it was excellent, but I wish I had the time to re-visit it and approach it more slowly! I only wish the 'bolt-on' Retrofit Co-ordinator module could get one the Retrofit Co-ordinator 'ticket' (as I believe it doesn't - correct me if that has changed). Nick
    • CommentAuthorJohnGBD
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2023 edited
    I did the CLR course a couple of years ago and have just started the RC course (still no certification/badge with that), which are both really good, content wise. The forum was quite, which I put down to people not wanting to ask any questions that they might feel are too easy or potentially embarrassing.

    Speaking of which I have a similar situation with asking questions about PHPP.. does anyone have any recommendations for places to ask those? I had a browse around the iPH forum


    but wondered about any others..
    • CommentAuthorcc64
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2023
    I agree that forum for CL participants seems very quiet. I joined aecb with a view to doing the course. But after seeing how very little real discussion occurred, reviewing the open access materials and docs I decided against. It clearly had a lot of enthusiastic work put into it as a mold-breaking offering. I wonder if that enthusiasm has dropped off? Many links to materials are dead. And course material updates don't appear to be happening. I do empathize - we're all too busy
    Posted By: JohnGBDSpeaking of which I have a similar situation with asking questions about PHPP.. does anyone have any recommendations for places to ask those? I had a browse around the iPH forum

    Honestly, I think a lot of this seems to happen informally through Twitter. I follow at least 4 of the AECB tutors' feeds and there's a fair amount of PHPP discourse there, albeit sporadic.

    Not so helpful if you don't already have a crowd of knowledgeable Twitter followers on standby though, (I certainly don't!).
    • CommentAuthorJohnGBD
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2023

    Honestly, I think a lot of this seems to happen informally through Twitter. I follow at least 4 of the AECB tutors' feeds and there's a fair amount of PHPP discourse there, albeit sporadic.

    Yep, there are some top quality building Twitterati, and the PH Trust's webinars with Bob Prewitt, Harry Patticas etc have great case studies in them.

    It's like we need a technical helpline for the more esoteric building science questions Google / ChatGPT don't know the answers to.

    Or a forum for, er, green building..
    • CommentAuthorbogal2
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2023
    Im doing the retrofit coordinator course at the mo. Seems quite good but I noticed the lack of activity on the forum too.
    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeOct 26th 2023
    Succssessfully completed the course just in time for the AECB conference (which was excellent). Despite my dissapointment at a lack of forum or other students to talk to, there was a lot of useful information and it was obviously written by many knowledgeable and enthusiatic people.

    I have now learnt they are planning to relaunch the course next year with a lot of new material and changes to the marking scheme.

    The course I took has been rebadged the "foundation course". Still in two minds whether to move on to the Retrofit Coordinator course.
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