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Posted By: DarylPControlled ventilation is sealed during tests: trickle vents, int. extracts, etc etc
Posted By: gyrogearGuess it just goes to show that we all live in different places on the Planet, with different climates and requirementsTell that to PHPP - which adjusts physical requirements to account for climate - but airtightness not negotiable.
Posted By: djhSimilarly, do you not think 'common or garden' dumb on demand extract fans should be left off but not sealed? They contribute to the leakiness of the house day-to-day do they not?
Trickle vents should not be sealed - they should be closed but not sealed. Ventilation systems and extract fans should be sealed, but only the ducts themselves, not the connections to the walls or windows.
Posted By: gravelldSimilarly, do you not think 'common or garden' dumb on demand extract fans should be left off but not sealed?
Posted By: djhany extract fan should have its duct closing mechanism testedif any - traditionally these are just on open hole in the wall.
Posted By: Ed Davies50 Pa corresponds (via ½Ïv²) to a wind speed of 8.77 m/s (19.6 mph; Beaufort force 5, fresh breeze)and (correct me if wrong) about 10mm water. We can easily suck orange squash up a straw 150mm or even 300mm or more, so have at our instant disposal a test rig capable of 30x the 50Pa standard, for a small sample (give it a wipe first!)
Posted By: fostertomI think Dave, from the point of view of measurement, was rightly identifying that the duct can be closed anywhere from 0 to 100% (ignoring the surely immaterial impact of the fan blades), and you're right, a vast, vast majority are at 0%.Posted By: djhany extract fan should have its duct closing mechanism testedif any - traditionally these are just on open hole in the wall.
Posted By: Ed DaviesBut I agree with Tom's basic point that testing at 50 Pa is pretty weedy.
Posted By: goodevanswhen you look at SAP average infiltration is assumed at 1/20th of the 50Pa m3 valueBut is that assumption reasonable given that 50 Pa seems not to be huge compared with plausible air pressures on a house (even though those pressures wouldn't uniform in the way that a pressure test is)?
Posted By: goodevans5m height difference and 20 deg C temp difference would be 5Pais a bungalow with walk-height loft, or a v skimpy flat roof 2 storey. 2 storey with loft more like 7m, so 14C - not just deep winter. A 2-storey maisonette above shop say with GrdFl entrance would be 9m, 11C.