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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2021
    Anyone know about average energy generation as opposed to maximum energy generation. Will we breach FiTs/Ofgem if we generate one Watt more than the agreed power or can we average over say an an hour and exceed the maximum to fill in the troughs?
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2021
    Domestic PV FiT installations are limited based on installed peak power and are paid according to kWh generated over a period of three months. A quick search suggests yours must be a commercial 'large' installation and so perhaps dealt with under very different rule. I know nothing about them, I'm afraid. You may need to ask ofgem.
    • CommentAuthorBrian Faux
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2021
    Ofgem told me that `any measurable amount` of overgeneration would qualify as grounds for change in TIC.
    On questioning this (when I said one watt for one second is measurable) they rowed back and said that `each case is treated indepenently`
    However after several years of asking -even getting my MP to ask-I could never get a reply to the question `what are the parameters used to make the decision to alter the TIC`
    If you can get any info out of Ofgem regarding this I would be very interested to hear it.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2021
    I asked OFGEM a similar question about adding additional panels to a G98 limited inverter that wont produce anything more than 16 amps(3.68kw). I wanted add panels to keep the system generation nearer to the inverters G98 limit for longer.

    The answer they gave was that I would need to carry out the modification using an MCS installer and then submit the updated system details to my FIT payer for them to reveiw and accept/decline. OFGEM didnt get involved in accepting/declining a system. The cost of rejection was too much so I didnt pursue it.

    Going back to Tonys original question, for a typical 4kwp system installed to G98, the DNOs limit of 3.68kw is the limiting factor as you shouldnt be hitting the 4kw FIT TIC. Unlikely the DNO would find out if you slightly over produced, but if they did its likely the MCS installer would be in hot water for connecting a non compliant system. Obiviously if its something other than a 4kw G98 system then none of this applies!
    • CommentAuthorqeipl
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2022
    I installed a cheap Chinese hydro turbine in 2009. It was rated at 750W but typically ran at 800W when the burn was in spate. The turbine expired in 2016 having delivered c.14,000kWh.

    In 2017 I installed a Powerspout which was supposed to be configured at 800W but actually runs at 1kW when the burn is full.
    In February 2020 it rained heavily every day so the Powerspout generated 638kWh, which is 134kWh more than the rated output of the original Chinese turbine.
    My electricity supplier noticed this and said they would have to contact OFGEM.
    After 18 months of humming and hawing OFGEM decreed that my Powerspout was a "new installation" and therefore my FITS contract no longer applied.
    So beware informing your supplier that you generate more in a given period than the maximum output of your rated capacity.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2022
    FiTs are very upfront, step over the maximum and loose all subsidies
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