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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRachel
    • CommentTimeJan 15th 2009
    We are steering Transition Teifi at present: Cardigan, west wales and the Teifi river. We are focusing on what is already here and happening/ available ie farmers, markets, small things being done by businesses. Getting a good flow now. I think the idea is about positivity and growing from what is already in motion. Also every region develops their own unique approach and style which I find fascinating.
    • CommentAuthorShepherd
    • CommentTimeJan 17th 2009
    Really cheered to read what everyone has put up about Transition towns in the last week or so. Glad to hear how each region develops its own style and approach - so tired of central government one size fits all.

    Transition North Cornwall is just starting really - the two most active parishes are St Gennys and Jacobstow - St Gennys has formed Transition St Gennys - a non-profit company. Next Friday they are giving a talk on transition in a rural parish which I most certainly will be attending, and in February there is a presentation on sustainable tourism. (So much of the Cornish economy is tourism based.)
    • CommentAuthordazdread
    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2009
    Ah, FosterTom... I was on the very first Transition Training with Naresh and Sophy when we started up Transition Harborough.

    The whole premise is that there is no single answer and that each community with have different needs and resources and so will have to find their own way. There are the basic steps to trach through though.

    As with size the rule seems to be manageable chunks, cities down to the villages that originally merged etc., We have been trying to tackle one of the most comfortable conservative towns in the country and struggled, I have decided to do my street as a sub project and things have really taken off... found some neighbours with a love of drinking ;o)

    Beware, it changes your life and perspective... I ask people not to ask me questions after my 4th pint these days unless they wish to open the flood gates :o)
    • CommentAuthorShepherd
    • CommentTimeJan 21st 2009
    Just curiosity - how many houses on your street?

    The rural parish I'm in has about 100 houses.
    • CommentAuthorArnold
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2009
    Chester is registered too,

    I went to the first meeting,
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeMar 23rd 2009
    It would be interesting to survey residents to see what percentage know they live in a transition town.
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