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    John I hope you stumble across this... how is your Esse w23 going?
    I am confused about outputs...
    The Rayburn 355SFW puts out 55 000 Btu's, 16.1 kw as apposed to the Esse W23 that puts out 23 000 Btu's, you may stand to correct me, but the Rayburn seems to be more efficient in comparison.
    It seems to me that the Esse w23 will not put out enough to heat our underfloor and radiators?
    • CommentAuthorJohnh
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2007
    Hi Alan,
    Yes we have at last got our ESSE W23 installed. ESSE have told us that it is now called a WF25(!) apparently it can put out 25,000 btu's 'if you fill the firebox to capacity'. We're using it (or will be when it's sorted out properly) linked up to our existing oil fired central heating system. It currently provides our domestic hot water and a heat leak radiator - our plumbing team are still trying to sort out the 'system design' as provided by our dealer.

    I too, am confused about the outputs! On paper the Rayburn 355SFW puts out a lot more heat to the water system. When we were looking at the ESSE W23 we were told that Rayburns btu ratings are based on a different re-fuelling cycle than ESSE use. I suppose the inference was that the Rayburn 355SFW puts out less btu's than stated in their literature"for the same amount of fuel as compared with the ESSE". My initial reaction to the efficiency of the W23 is pretty good - it burns a lot less wood than anticipated, and can be kept in indefinately without any problems.

    I can't honestly comment about the W23 (WF25?) capability to provide full CH/DHW and cooking (although Tom B and others probably can) as ours is linked up with another heat source(or soon will be). However, 9,000btu's of the boiler output goes to DHW so that only leaves around 14,000btu's for your rads/underfloor, so depending on your size of system, it may well not be big enough.

    I'm going to post a detailed appraisal of our W23 (or whatever it will be called by then!) when all the plumbing issues are sorted. Mind you, it will be mid summer by then and we'll probably just let it go out!
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeApr 12th 2007
    Hello, this should really be posted in the old forums under "running my Aga on wood pellets", but I will just put it here while I wait for my user ID!...my company imports biomass pellets into the UK (not virgin wood, but farmed fuel). I think it was Richard Waite who suggested in the old forum that it might be worth designing a new pellet burner that could be inserted into an old solid-fuel Aga.

    I am very interested in this idea, and my company would be willing to put some limited funds into it. We could also help with the manufacturing (we are based in Singapore), and possibly with the design (there may be some funds available from the public purse to help towards commercialisation).

    The potential fuel savings are huge if it is possible to retro-fit old Agas with pellet burners, especially if using our farmed-fuel pellets. You can see me here: http://www.PelletBase.com" > PelletBase and http://www.RyeEnergy.com" > Rye Energy Pte Ltd
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeApr 12th 2007
    Sorry, I'll try those links again: http://www.PelletBase.com" > PelletBase and http://www.PelletBase.com" > Rye Energy Pte Ltd
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