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Posted By: tony. Any boiler would turn the house into a pizza oven.
Posted By: gyrogearThere is no disparity - it is two separate & individual parameters to be met, period.
Posted By: cjardWhat I can't now understand is how, wih walls and roof of U value around 0.1 (not considering windows) how I've got a heat demand estimate (two now, actually) that are 25-28MWh, busting the passivhaus limit by about 7 times and putting my build on par with the actual gas bills of the draughty Victorian semi I live in right now. Where does the building go so wrong? But that's a question for the guy who's doing the reports and recommending a heating system..
Posted By: djhNo, you don't have to meet both parameters, you only have to satisfy one of them; your choice.I've been educated:
In addition to the primary energy demand the standard permits that either the Specific Heating Demand or the Specific Heating Load must be met.
Posted By: passivhausfanThe annual demand is simply what the annual heating demand would be in Germany for a building that could be heated by the supply air. In any other context (North America, say) it's absurdly arbitrary.
Posted By: djhHow would you reshape the criteria so as not to be arbitrary?
Posted By: ActivePassivePeak heating supply can't necessarily be easily met by supply air, largely because air doesn't have a significant heat capacity. The problem is you are limited to about 50C and the max flow of the MVHR, the 50C limit is the max temperature before which the air starts smelling (I think from burning dust). If you max out the air flow it is likely to be noisy, it is also advisable to insulate more of the duct work if using MVHR heating.
Although capital costs for the heating elements are low, heating using straight electricity without a heat pump has a high CO2 and is ~2.5 times more expensive than gas or a heat pump. The general advice is to provide either ASHP/GSHP or gas supplementary heating in the UK for Passivhaus rather than inline air heating.
Having said that you can get away with just air heating with careful design in the UK.