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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorLandsrud
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2018
    During the winter we undertook a radon measurement of our house. We have two house 10m apart (one a kind of guest or retirement house the other is the main house.


    Main house: 107 Bq/l
    Cottage: 43 Bq/l

    Here i Norway they said it should be under 100 Bq/l and for communal buildings and rented accommodation under 200 Bq/l

    Whenever I try and google “radon” I just get bombarded by companies saying they will sort it out for a big price. Our house is old traditional wood log cabin sitting directly on a concrete wall. Natural ventilation throughout. In the creep celler there is soil (where I imagine the radon is coming from). My thoughts was to install myself a ventilation system in the floor of the lower rooms with a radon sucker in the celler and then a chimney through the roof to cast out the radon. Or just get ventilation in the creep celler (as its quite damp anyway) and hope that reduces the levels to a more acceptable level.

    Question: Crazy idea? and does anyone have any links to do-it-your selv radon ventilation systems.

    Reality check: Difficult to get a straight answer for what I can see the difference between say 43 and say 107 Bq/l in reference to long cancer is no very much. Anyway the misses saw the readings and now something has to be done :)
    Yes, start off with improving the ventilation in the crawl space, leaving one of the vent holes capable of accepting a fan if need be.

    Have you looked at the UKRadon site?

    • CommentAuthorLandsrud
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2018
    Thanks NIck,

    Some really useful information there.
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2018
    Hi, you might find this vid of interest also...


    • CommentAuthorLandsrud
    • CommentTimeMay 24th 2018
    Thanks GG :)
    • CommentAuthorSap202
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2018
    Its not over by very much. Bare in mind that there are factors of safety involved all things to do with health and safety Why not continue monitoring? .....Or cheapest treatment would be to lay a gas proof membrane Retro fitting wont 100% effective. But 1200 guage polythene. Tape joints and seal service entry points
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2018
    I do not believe that polythene will stop radon, it goes through hundreds of meters of solid granite to get to a point under the house, it is capable of going through polythene, certainly it will still get into the house.

    Safe levels are a myth, there are no safe levels and the longer you live with them the greater the danger of adverse impacts.

    The advice seems to be sumps, ventilation and fans
    • CommentAuthorbhommels
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2018
    Radon can go through microscopic cracks easily, though not through foil layers as it is a big atom. It is not like Hydrogen or Helium which diffuses straight through metal foils.
    I would think that, in addition to (forced) ventilation, a polythene would help. Better even would be a foil with metal flash on it, like crisps bags.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2018
    Hydrogen exists as a molecule and radon is four times the size of helium both are atoms and both inert and don’t stick to other things easily.
    • CommentAuthorFred56
    • CommentTimeJul 16th 2018 edited
    This has probably been discussed in other conversations but the BRE seems to advocate positive input ventilation as a simple and non-disruptive method of helping reduce radon levels in homes. It's covered in Good Repair Guide 37 part 2. The document seems to be publicly available.
    I say this cautiously because I have lost faith in the BRE, too much market control and ideological bunker thinking.

    A few years ago I was doing a job with ground gas and the geology required a raft foundation. In my investigation for solution I had a long talk with a Swedish architect who described a method of venting under a floor or a raft (he was selling passive raft systems). His basic plan was to allow external air feed into the chamber/void from the shady side of the building and vent to the sunny side with pipes rising above the eaves and windows. The idea being that a passive stack was created at the warmer side and air was drawn through. Simple, silent and uses no energy except incident solar. I am not sure much good it is the arctic circle and I have never tried it but I know the general principle works.I have passive stacks in two bathrooms as well as positive input in my bunglaow in radon suspect Cornwall.
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