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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRedDoor
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2018
    Is Orcon F the only gig in town?
    Pavatex make a similar product. Probably others do too.
    • CommentAuthorRedDoor
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2018
    Has anyone tried other non-setting sealants? I thought I'd experiment with caravan mastic - not in-situ but stick two pieces of membrane together and leave them under the floor. Hardly a BRE test!
    Pavatex product would be the Pavabond? - seems to be quite rare on the UK market but I'll get a quote from the supplier that comes up on a quick internet search.
    Orcon F 310ml cartridge seems to be more readily available from stockists near me that I already use but pricier. I see that I can get the 600ml sausages from Germany but I'm trying to make more use of local suppliers.
    • CommentAuthorTimSmall
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2018
    That might be butyl rubber - which has been used for years and is known to have good longevity. I haven't been super-impressed with Orcon F myself, I've seen it come unstuck a few times.

    Another possible option are MS Polymer adhesives, in the sort of locations that Orcon F is speced for, they have an expected lifetime of 50 years or more (ref https://www.branz.co.nz/Appraisal/419 ), and have been used for about 40 years. Around £4.50 per tube in a box of 12 (e.g. Soudal Fix All Flexi - which used to be called Soudal Fix All Classic). I've found it has more consistent adhesion than Orcon F.

    With both, I'm wary of using them on details which I expect to last more than 50 years (or would result in really massive leaks if they did fail), so things like window surrounds seem reasonable to me, but I'm not a fan of big areas of membrane and sealants in inaccessible locations.

    Generally I prefer to use things like plaster and wood where I can to provide airtightness. I've also sandwiched rolls of butyl tape between timber and render etc. using screws to partly compress the joint.
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeFeb 7th 2018
    Fix All does "set" though doesn't it, becomes like a firm rubber? But of the 'mainstream' sealants the polymer ones do seem the best.

    Why not use tape as well?
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