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    • CommentAuthorSteveE
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2007 edited
    We've just moved into a three bedroomed cottage, (in a non gas supplied area), which was re-furbished about 18 years ago. The insulation isn't very good, so that has to be looked at but my main priority at the moment is getting away from the overnight electric storage heaters which heat the house, (not very well though). We have a largish lounge, which incorporates an open staircase to the first floor, the lounge has an ingle nook fireplace with a Dovre multi fuel fire. I'd like to utilise the fireplace to fit a new fire with wrap around boiler to heat water and if possible power a central heating system for the house. The summer months obviously need to be covered, and the cottage is in a conservation area, so solar panels or wind power probably aren't an option, so I supplose I'll have to retain some form of electric water heating system. Anyone had similar experiences please who could give me a bit of advice? I'm open to any suggestions, including heat pumps etc.

    Could you get away with siting the solar WH on a pergola in the garden? Can you do that without overshading? Yes, you will still need an immersion htr too, but sad to rule out solar if there's any way of incorporating it.
    • CommentAuthorken davis
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2007
    legislation is changing soon anyway, but there really is no reason why solar (water heater) panels should not be fitted to roofs in conservation areas on the back roof slope. as a former conservation officer i approved many solar panels both in conservation areas and on listed buildings if the position was discrete and the applicants gave details of mounting so that the structure was protected. does your rear roof slope face generally southish? a shed or pergola is, of course, another solution, although some (hitachi to my knowledge) are designed to be wall mounted but will then be more subject to position of hot tank unless pump is to be used.
    • CommentAuthorSteveE
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2007
    The rear roof faces North - North West but gets plenty of sun all year. Can anyone suggest a multi-fuel stove to heat the house and water please?
    Possibly the Aarrow range - good-size back boilers. Don't try solar @ N-NW.
    • CommentTimeJun 12th 2007
    I have an Aarrow and it's great
    But I really wanted a Clearview
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