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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2014 edited
    Finally filling in the forms for the RHI and realised I need an EPC for our house which we built in 2010 (at least I think from the RHI form that I need one.) I had the EPC done this weekend. It's come out at a C with an estimated fuel consumption at around 3 times our actual. This is OK as far as the application goes apart from one point I'm worrying about.
    I know they can't count all that invisible insulation and airtighness but they have been forced to put "solar and immersion" for DHW when in fact it's "Solar and ASHP" because the tick boxes don't allow two sorts of renewables on an EPC. Do you think this will cause problems with the RHI application for ASHP? Any way round it? The man who did the EPC says it cannot be changed.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2014

    It is true, EPCs cannot be changed.
    Did you not get SAP calcs done when you obtained B. Control approval for your design? The (On Con) EPC is the output from the SAP calcs. It may have the correct renewables detailed?

    Good luck:smile:
    • CommentAuthorMikel
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2014
    I had my EPC done in Dec 2013. We have a ground source heat pump and solar thermal DHW. The GSHP is described on the EPC as the main heating system (plus radiators and electric) and the hot water described as coming from the main heating system and solar.

    You can certainly challenge the EPC if you are not satisfied. I did this for another aspect of the EPC and eventually got some answers, which I accepted.
    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2014
    Thank you both. So it seems I maybe didn't need the EPC? But there were boxes on the form that I couldn't submit without filling in the reference number of the EPC. I can't remember what the SAP calcs said - hopefully they reflect what we actually did. My partner showed the SAP calcs to the EPC man (I was out). So much on at the moment and it just all takes up so much time!
    • CommentAuthorRobinB
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2014
    It seems I do need the EPC and that it can't show two sort of eco-stuff (i.e. ASHP and Solar thermal) feeding in to the DHW. Wondering what's my best course of action?
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2014
    I don't think thats correct. I have had RHI approved for solar thermal and biomass both feeding DHW.
    • CommentAuthorDandJ
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2014
    I didn't realise just how much of a waste of time and money EPCs were until I had one done. The fact that we had 3G and loads of insulation meant nothing as all he could put down was 2G and insulation to current standards, or was he just a bad example.
    Bad example, or doing you a favour as your RHI payments will be based on the predicted energy as shown on the EPC.

    The windows can be put in a triple using the default U-Value of 1.8 (post 2002 DG is 2.0) or if you provided evidence (BRFC certificate) the actually U-Value could be in putted.

    The walls are the same if you provided evidence including a U-Value calculation then actual data can be used. Otherwise the most likely outcome is 0.25.
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