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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthormaxsm
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2023
    Hi all, I'm punching new toilet, shower and sink wastes through the cavity wall of a single storey annexe room which currently has no extra insulation. However, the plan is for the room to have 200mm EWI in the future (hopefully around 1-2 years). The pipes will drop down the external wall (which is clad in mock brick concrete) and then fall underground to join a nearby manhole chamber. Should I:

    a) slightly chase the pipes into the exterior wall by removing some of the cladding

    b) lay the pipes directly onto the clad exterior wall

    c) do something cunning I haven't thought of

    thanks for any help
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2023
    I take it you can't take the pipes underground within the room?

    It doesn't sound like taking off concrete render will make much difference from a space point of view and it might affect damp penetration until the EWI is in place so I'd be inclined to leave it in place. You could always add EWI around the pipes now rather than in a couple of year's time.
    • CommentAuthormaxsm
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2023
    thanks djh, I don't want to take the pipes underground as I am concerned about damaging the DPM under the concrete. appreciate the advice
    The toilet waste pipe is 110mm dia and the mountings hold it with say 50mm gap away from the wall, so it will bridge most of the way through the 200mm EWI. Removing the render might gain a small amount of this distance but not a lot!

    How about putting the pipe on longer mounts so there is say 250mm gap between the wall and the pipe to run EWI and render through later. It might look a bit strange until the EWI is fitted - you could run a temporary strip of EWI up the wall now to fill it out.
    • CommentAuthormaxsm
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2023
    thanks Will, but wouldn't the pipe itself then be bridging all the way through the EWI? I would have thought containing it within the EWI would be preferable to this?
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