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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2011 edited
    I was pleasantly impressed with the last one and will, if possible, make "attendance" a routine thing...

    Date: 15th March 2011
    Time: 12:30 - 14:00 (GMT) - Lunch from 12:00
    Venue: Seminar Room K505, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow. G4 0HG


    The starting point for the study was a consideration of what impact incentivisation schemes (in this case particularly feed-in tariffs) had on the adoption of low carbon technologies. The study developed further, in that it added an objective to assess the feasibility of producing a unified business process (UBP) focused on aiding individual HAs when deciding which low carbon technologies (LCTs) are appropriate to them.

    The study involved two housing associations that had both considered the adoption of innovative sustainability technologies, but ultimately made different investment (in the form of „purchasing? sustainable technologies) decisions.


    Dr David R Moore, Robert Gordon University
    Dr Seonaidh McDonald, Robert Gordon University
    Johnathan McQuillan, Anderson Bell + Christie architects
    • CommentTimeFeb 21st 2011
    How and where do you register?
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2011 edited
    Whisper your email address and I'll forward the e-news email.

    (They offer some very interesting, quite valuable, bursaries as well.)
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