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    Anyone any ideas where I could get 3 outward opening oak doors made at a reasonable price. Been looking for 18 months and thought I had cracked it with a Swedish company called Dooria with the ideal door on there website. Turns out not only was the door no longer available as the listing was from 2005 range but the actual company was taken over by Jeld Wen in 2015 and they do not supply outward opening doors to the UK market.

    Talking to bespoke UK joiners and you mention outward opening swedish doors and they think your from another planet.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2016
    Any joinery firm worth their salt should be able to manufacture insulated double rebated doors. Projection hinges, espagnolette locking systems, sheet insulation, engineered timber etc. are all readily available. What aspect of "Swedish Style" are you having difficulty with?
    Most of the doors on my house are outward opening albeit not double rebate which is often common on the Continent.
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2016
    Posted By: renewablejohnthey do not supply outward opening doors to the UK market

    That really winds me up. My pet hate is Philips who make various colour temperature LED lamps but only sell warm white ones in this country.

    The doors in my house are normally supplied outward opening, and I have two such, but the front door is inward opening. The only difference I can see is an extra outer seal on the inward opening one, mounted to the frame rather than the door. My doors are softwood though so won't be what you want, but my point is that engineering outward opening ones seems to be easier.

    I'd guess that the main use of outward opening oak (i.e. high-quality) doors in this country is as fire exits in commercial premises. Might be worth investigating. Sorry, that's all I can think of.
    Posted By: owlmanAny joinery firm worth their salt should be able to manufacture insulated double rebated doors. Projection hinges, espagnolette locking systems, sheet insulation, engineered timber etc. are all readily available. What aspect of "Swedish Style" are you having difficulty with?
    Most of the doors on my house are outward opening albeit not double rebate which is often common on the Continent.

    You would have thought its not rocket science. Have now tried 7 "reputable" joiners who have strung me along with quotes and promised delivery schedules only to find out they had not even started the doors in one case after 6 months as being "to busy".
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2016
    You could try looking around for small/medium sized firms that are tooled up for slide and fold conservatory doors. They may be familiar with the rebating issue, as some slide/fold mechanisms utilise it. plus they will most likely use engineered oak for instance.
    You'll obviously need the door and frame and you could easily design a hybrid with standard square edges top and hinge side and a double rebate on the leading edge. The bottom would depend on what sort of cill detail you want,- lots of options there.
    If you go for an extra thick insulated door the leading edge double rebate is actually a great advantage as you don't have to have such a severe leading taper to the door edge, a good joinery firm will know that. You can also build in the multipoint locking system into the middle flat bit. Single rebate works OK too.
    Whereabouts are you?
    • CommentAuthorwoodcutter
    • CommentTimeSep 12th 2016
    Although they are not Oak (pre-painted soft wood) I can recommend Rationel doors and windows (they are Danish). Outward opening with good security and pretty unique locking system that allows the door to be held open in any position.
    When I was building my previous house in Ireland, Munster joinery made outward opening front and back doors for me no problem.

    I actually just moved to a new job here in Sweden manufacturing doors but I am afraid I can't help with Oak as we only do specialist doors in glass fibre....

    You could try with manufacturers in some of the other Baltic countries such as Latvia or Lithuania that supply to the UK as many would also supply to the Swedish market.

    If I can help from my end whisper me a message.
    Posted By: woodcutterAlthough they are not Oak (pre-painted soft wood) I can recommend Rationel doors and windows (they are Danish). Outward opening with good security and pretty unique locking system that allows the door to be held open in any position.
    http://www.rationel.co.uk" rel="nofollow" >http://www.rationel.co.uk

    Unfortunately being listed it has to be oak. It took 4 1/2 years to get LBC so not really up for asking for a variation.
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2016
    If you do find an off the peg model, look carefully at the construction. Many, perhaps most, factory made external doors touted as Oak, or whatever, are only over veneered onto an engineered softwood core or even particle board, and IMO, if in an exposed location, totally unsuited to UK weather, whatever their pedigree.
    • CommentAuthormuddy
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2016
    If you are in Shropshire, I can recommend a joiner. When I mentioned this post he suggested they would cost about £800 per m2. Outward opening is standard in our barn conversion except where the door is in a wind tunnel.
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