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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2011 edited
    Two forthcoming webinars might be of interest to some of you. Like all seminars involving multiple speakers, you get the odd droner, but if you can stay awake through him/her there is usually something worth hearing to save the day.

    It's an interesting concept and only costs a bit of time. It's worth signing up for their regular presentations.



    Date: 14th April 2011
    Time: 12:30 - 14:00 (BST, GMT+1)


    This project was undertaken by the Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unit (MEARU) in collaboration with the partner SME John Gilbert Architects Ltd (JGA).

    The aim of the feasibility study was to explore the potential for the development of a cost effective Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) methodology (with a particular sustainability focus) that can be used to gather both quantitative and qualitative information regarding energy and environmental performance of housing. This would provide useful data for the designers, clients and users, leading to improved performance of the existing houses and future designs.

    JGA assisted in the selection of sample house types from 4 Housing Associations and liaised with participating housing providers. MEARU undertook data acquisition via resident survey questionnaires and durational monitoring of 8 selected house types. JGA and MEARU have reviewed the process to identify key areas for inclusion and most cost effective outcomes for a POE methodology which could be widely used. MEARU has also developed a sample on-line POE tool and template documentation which could be applied to future POE exercises carried out by using Associations on their new build housing stock.


    Dr Tim Sharpe, MEARU, Mackintosh School of Architecture, The Glasgow School of Art
    Matt Bridgestock, MEARU, Mackintosh School of Architecture, The Glasgow School of Art
    John Gilbert, John Gilbert Architects
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeApr 12th 2011
    Anaother CICS webinar coming up this Thursday (14th), and one of the speakers is someone not a million miles away on this forum (second speaker). :bigsmile:
    • CommentTimeApr 12th 2011
    Dusting off the headset now, actually its on the desk as I 'was at' today's.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2011
    Begging bowl out?:bigsmile:
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2011
    Not Scottish so don't think they will give me any for that important research in the Caribbean.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    "Independent Verification of a Climate Based Worldwide Building Energy Index"

    Date: 20th April 2011
    Time: 12:30 - 14:00 (BST, GMT+1)
    Venue: Seminar Room K505, Buchanan House, Glasgow Caledonian University, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HG.


    IES Ltd has prototyped a set of energy indices that can be used to assess, classify and compare any worldwide climate (weather data or extrapolated climate change data) for the purposes of understanding climate and for the use in sustainable building design.

    The indices are intended as rapid and interactive holistic design tools applicable to any building type, with any design strategy, in any location worldwide and for the simple quantification of the impact of climate change on building energy progressively over a sustainable building’s lifecycle.

    The basis of the indices is the fact that climate underlies building energy use and it is therefore possible to compare designs relative to climate, visualize where design emphasis needs to be placed and directly and interactively track the effect of design strategies.

    The index is applicable to both the design and operational phases of buildings and is directly usable by building professionals without the need for specialist energy knowledge i.e. Architects, quantity surveyors, students, etc.

    IES Ltd was in need of an independent peer review and detailed verification to prove the prototyped index performs successfully. With this need in mind the academic partner carried out a review of the Climate Energy Index (CEI) and the Building Energy Index (BEI) developed by IES Ltd with the aim of verifying their scientific soundness and ease of applicability.


    Dr Rohinton Emmanuel, Glasgow Caledonian University
    Mr Darragh Gleeson, Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    Should be an interesting one for me anyway.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    They seem to be getting better known. At least there were a few more in the room this time. Just two, sitting on opposite sides of the room, the time before last. A few more online too.

    Pity about the loss of sound. Wondered if anyone "up there" had noticed until I posted the loss? Thought they would have had Matt go over the missed section of his presentation again. Might try the recording of the session and see if it's there.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    Can't find the recording of the last one, but a list of past ones here which might be of interest to someone...

    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2011
    I had an email from the administrator along with my CPD certificate (very useful to me that is). Could mention it on that.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2011
    Another one this Friday...

    "Assessment of Zero Carbon Building in Scotland"

    Date: 27th May 2011
    Time: 12:30 - 14:00 (BST, GMT+1)


    The feasibility study involved investigation of recently published guidelines into the definition of ‘Zero carbon’ by the government and a comparison with ‘true’ zero carbon buildings.

    Heriot-Watt University carried out a study of Zero Carbon literature which is presented within the main body of the accompanying ‘Full Report’.

    The study uses the proposed Riccarton Ecovillage on the campus at Heriot-Watt University to provide the sample building used for the detailed analysis and assessment parts of the study. Heriot-Watt University and IES worked together using IES’s Virtual Environment software to perform predictions of carbon emissions.

    The detailed calculations consider a range of currently available building technologies, and systems that could be used either in isolation, or in conjunction with one another. The analyses are intended to demonstrate the differences between current building standards and the improvements that will be needed in future both to meet the published regulatory guidelines and also to provide a comparison with true zero carbon using representative domestic Scottish buildings as the basis for the analysis.

    The study aims to show what renewable technologies need to be employed in order to meet Zero Carbon – using both dynamic simulation methods and Building Regulations SAP software meeting the Scottish Technical Standards Section 6 requirements.


    Prof. Sue Roaf, Heriot Watt University
    Dr David McEwan, IES Ltd
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
    Webinar today at 12.30...

    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
    What is the recipe today Joiner?
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
    Optimisation of economic, environmental and energy savings in buildings.

    Gas mark 4 for 53 minutes. And FOLD the mixture gently, vigorous stirring will make it come out flat. :smile:
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
    And now understand why some on here don't attend. It needs Flash Player! :crazy:
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011 edited
    Postponed due to a major power failure in the Glasgow area! :angry:
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
    Good as I had to go out
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeOct 19th 2011
    Snap! I'd have had to catch the recorded version too.

    And there was me feeling guilty. :shamed:
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2011
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    Bugger, for got to ask for an invite, shall see if I can do it now
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    So is 3G harder to model, and is that the same partnership where the man fell off the ladder?
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    It was all a bit offhand!

    And was that younger guy going for the record in how many times in five seconds you could say "Errr".

    Given that the whole exercise was a MODELLED academic study (used loosely) why discount all the options and not even mention them in passing?

    Not a good example of the kind of stuff they usually put out.
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    Yes I was a bit disappointed. Part of that may have been that I never saw anything different of difficult, just expensive.

    Not sure who the woman asking about ACH was, think she picked up on the fact that they were worth as much as the insulation near enough.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    I did wonder why they'd bothered.

    I was gobsmacked when he said that triple-glazing "hadn't modelled well". Erm. Sorry? Their answer to my question indicated that I'd taken them by surprise. Hello? Then to say that my suggestion of low-e + gas-filling (I thought I'd keep it simple) was a matter of cost. What cost? In terms of the overall energy performance vs cost those two additions to the planned d/g were marginal. They didn't seem in the least disappointed with a 2.8 u-value for the double-glazing, especially as there were no (apparent) plans to d/g the front elevation and its 5.7 u-value single-glazing! Although they would consider secondary glazing there.
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2011
    I wanted to suggest they abandon it and move down here as the weather and climate is really what is against them, what that place costs them to run they could buy another one. Wonder what the owners do for a living.
    Though the bit about expectations and T-Shirts made me smile as I still do not have my heating on (apart from a test I am doing right this moment for the next hour) and I have my thermals and fleece on, and today was sunny, calm and warm.
    Interestingly the bit on Panorama about the lady with 'house boots' made me smile. She should try walking shoes as they seem to be warmer when I am not moving. Or the student trick of eacking out half a cider for 3 hours next to a pub fire. MacDonalds are child friendly and have free wireless, see I have saved her £240 a year already, buys a lot of gas that does, 543 kWh according to the EEP. That is enough to heat my hot water for 2 months and a week.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeDec 22nd 2011
    Upcoming in January...

    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2012
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2012
    It comes, it goes, it gets rescheduled. Heriot-Watt was in the Sunday Paper.
    • CommentAuthorJoiner
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2012 edited
    Today at 12.30...


    (Although those people with Flash Player Aversion Syndrome needn't bother. Wouldn't work anyway. :bigsmile:)
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