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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

PLEASE NOTE: A download link for Volume 1 will be sent to you by email and Volume 2 will be sent to you by post as a book.

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    • CommentAuthorsallyh
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2014 edited
    Green Building Forum users and Green Building magazine readers can get free VIP tickets and fast track entry to the Eco Technology Show at the Brighton Centre, Brighton. The Eco Technology Show will be open from 9.30am-5pm on Thursday 26 June and 9.30am-4.30pm on Friday 27 June. Registration is free. Further information can be found on the website www.ecotechnologyshow.co.uk. For your free VIP ticket quote [GreenBuilding].

    Now in its third year, The Eco Technology Show focuses on the practical business benefits of innovation and low carbon solutions. Speakers at free workshops and over 140 exhibitors will be showing visitors 'how they can save money and reap measurable benefits for businesses, cities and communities.' ' Greg Barker, Minister of State at the Department of Energy & Climate Change will be a keynote speaker.

    Seminar highlights for construction professionals and self-builders include:

    · The future of ventilation
    Hear Ventive’s vision that almost all the air we breathe, within the built environment, can be introduced comfortably without the need for further power, heating or cooling.
    Tom Lipinski, Technical Director Ventive

    · Zero Carbon homes by 2016
    For new buildings, the Government has committed to introduce zero carbon standards from 2016
    (homes) and from 2019 (non-domestic buildings). Find out what this means for property developers and the latest update on the consultation.

    · A planning perspective on energy retrofit
    Find out how to engage with local authority planning processes and make your energy efficiency retrofit more scheme successful.
    Martin Randall, Head of Planning, B&H CC

    · Smart building technology
    Hear Building Integrated PV can be enhanced through building integrated dedicated cooling
    Fernando Centeno, Chief Executive, Exergy Ltd
    • CommentAuthorTriassic
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2014
    Anything planned for the north or centre of the UK?
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2014
    Or the far SW
    • CommentAuthorsallyh
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2014
    Sorry, not sure if anything is planned in these areas but suggest you check with organisers and encourage them to go further afield! Tel 01273 666200
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