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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorsallyh
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2007
    The UK Green Building Council invites you to the following debate on:
    'Beyond Merton: local planning for cutting carbon'
    Philip Wolfe, Renewable Energy Association
    Adrian Hewitt, Merton Borough Council (TBC)
    Chris Twinn, Arup
    Dan Labbad, Lend Lease
    Chair: Paul King, Chief Executive, UK-GBC
    Date: Wednesday 17 October
    Time: 10.00 to 11.30am (refreshments available from 9.30am)
    Venue: The Building Centre, Store Street, London WC1E 7BT
    Please RSVP to: beyondmerton@mission-21.com
    The UK-GBC is committed to facilitating dialogue between government, industry, and other stakeholders, to achieve radical change in the sustainability of our built environment. The 'Merton Rule' and its role in the upcoming Planning Policy Statement (PPS) on climate change has been the subject of controversy in recent weeks. The aim of this debate is to understand how we learn lessons from the practical application of Merton-style rules, and build on this to deliver maximum emissions savings from our buildings, by the most effective means.
    For more information contact Susie Hartley
    T 0845 226 0803
    M 07854 462 092
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