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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    Ok - I see the challenge.

    This is the one for our boiler - no reason tiny internal parts couldn't be mounted in your own box.

    or use something like this and only have the sensing probe visible

    I'd settle for the lower probe mounted at the top of the window sheltered by the overhang (so stripping out of the mount) or painted to match window colour. But maybe it's too late now.
    Yes that would hve been the best place in hindsight, but alas too late now.
    If it doesn't need the enclosure then just the small probe could have been unobtrusive.
    not very good quality picture attached.
      weather comp sensor.jpg
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2023

    "I was under the impression that all heat pumps were considered permitted development with only a few exceptions."

    From the link DJH pasted, you will see that it is PD with conditions. Many installs fall foul of the 1M and volume rules.
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