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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2018
    My local authority say that they want buildings to perform better than current building regulations.

    Sounds good doesn’t it, but what does it mean? Nothing! Targets need to SMART

    I am going to suggest that they adopt Passive House, even though this is not my favourite robust low energy standard it is being used more and more widely. So if we said a date by which it should be in place then that would be it.

    Anyone wanna suggest a realistic date for that please
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2018
    Get them to pay for PV on all suitable housing. That is a very cheap and easy option. They may have to pay for upgrade the local grid though.

    But do you mean they want to make things part of the local planning policy.
    If that is the case they can offer a discount on the application and BC costs as long as certain criteria are met i.e. PV, ASHP, minimum overall U-Value of say 0.15, airtighness of 0.5 ACH, minimum 2 bed places etc

    They could also, and this is topical, offer council owned land at a huge discount if it is developed as above and 50 trees are planted on the site for every house. May make for less cramped housing and certainly a lot more creative.
    Just imagine a small development of 6 houses with 300 fruit trees as the garden.
    • CommentAuthordelprado
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2018
    other than passiv haus, what else is there and what are the differences?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2018
    Loads, CSH - now defunct, LEED, Minergie, AECB gold, PH plus, BREEAM, to name a few

    I like Minergie, it is purely an energy standard, it has an option for reverb
    • CommentTimeJan 20th 2018
    Posted By: tonyMy local authority say that they want buildings to perform better than current building regulations.

    I thought it was illegal for a council to require anything in addition to building regs?
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    They can add any planning conditions they want if they are consistent with local and national planning policies, otherwise they can be challenged. Generally the EU courts have avoided getting involved if everything is consistent with planning policies because planning policy is/has been been subject to democracy (eg public consultation).
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    Yes, thanks, this is about policy and updating the local plan.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018 edited
    I am going to suggest that they adopt Passive House, even though this is not my favourite robust low energy standard it is being used more and more widely. So if we said a date by which it should be in place then that would be it.

    I reckon they need to figure out if the NPPF allows them to impose such a planning condition. If not then they need to get it into the local plan which will take some time and process.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    Remember there is no need for builders to use the councils Building Control Department.
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    .................:devil::bigsmile: What are you trying to suggest...?
    • CommentAuthorHollyBush
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    Posted By: tonyMy local authority say that they want buildings to perform better than current building regulations.

    I have trouble understanding this. Some of the questions it raises for me:

    1 - Do they mean they want "better" standards than current Building regs?
    2 - What is the scope? (All buildings in the LA, just new domestic, or all new?)
    3 - Are they going to create local bye-laws to enforce?
    4 - How are they going to police it?
    5 - What are the outcomes they are hoping to see (few accidents, less transport, fewer fumes, less spend on energy, occupier comfort, less mould, few health issues)
    6 - How are they measuring current performance and future?
    7 - Are they doing a cost benefit analysis and what are the criteria?
    8 - Are all areas smoke controlled?
    9 - Is it integrated with a transport plan?
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    Posted By: CWattersRemember there is no need for builders to use the councils Building Control Department.

    Posted By: DarylP.................:devil:" alt=":devil:" src="http:///newforum/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/devil.gif" >:bigsmile:" alt=":bigsmile:" src="http:///newforum/extensions/Vanillacons/smilies/standard/bigsmile.gif" >What are you trying to suggest...?

    Only that builders can use private building control providers instead of LABC..

    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    Holly, 1. Yes, 2. Unsure, New for sure, rest is a grey area, 3.no, 4. No!, 5. Keeping their nose clean on the policy front and looking better than average sustainability wise, 6.they aren’t, 7. No money to do them, 8. Some, no enforcement or action, 9. Yes but there are problems in the transport plan.

    Please apply for a job to help them
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    I'm no expert but the picture is complicated and the restrictions on local authorities are explained here:

    • CommentAuthorHollyBush
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2018
    Posted By: tony

    Please apply for a job to help them

    :bigsmile: happy to, but sounds like you will have just as much of an impact if you suggest they build all their new stock in Spain....
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