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    During September 2007 naturalhomes.org ran an ecoVote asking what sort of eco-house construction method would you like to use to build your eco-house.

    The results are published here http://naturalhomes.org/sept07ecovote.htm and show that in Europe there is a strong preference for straw bale construction but in the Americas cob and straw bale share 1st place.

    Naturalhomes is running a second vote for October asking,

    "If I were to invest in an eco-house I would buy a..."

    • CommentAuthorjon
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2007
    Running an ecovote on a site devoted to natural homes may, possibly, give a result favouring natural homes?
    • CommentAuthorRachel
    • CommentTimeOct 1st 2007
    I think that is the point. It is about which eco homes are the most favoured, I believe.
    :bigsmile: lol , I've got one , well tobe precise 1/2 a SB home, as I built a 45m2 extension with a hybrid SB construction.
    Yes... the vote is what natural home type with a choice of straw bale, green oak, cob, earthship etc to choose from. I'm trying to see if what people say they would build (september's vote) differs from what they would invest in (October's vote) So Rachel is right. That's the whole point.

    Houtslanger, can I put your SB on natural homes?

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