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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2007
    OK it's my ***** barn/nursery again - SORRY

    But someone has suggested that I use a steel frame to "stabilise" the straw bales

    I'm not sure they need stabilising but if they did would a steel frame have any advantages?

    The idea (as I understand it) is to put up 4 legs outside the walls - stick a metal roof on top & go from there..........is that a good idea?

    I have a feeling it will cost more
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2007
    >would a steel frame have any advantages?
    Yes, it keeps iron ore quarrymen, coal miners, steel workers, and those involved in global shipping in work. Pity the poor hazel coppicer.
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2007
    That's kinda what I tought

    Surely the straw bales will be fine without it

    What purpose would it serve?
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2007
    Does this mean that your trusses are finally found to be unsavable?
    • CommentTimeMar 29th 2007
    No - that's next week........

    This was just someone with another pov

    His best advise was find a barn that he can buy, he will do it up & rent it to me - that does seem a good idea:wink:
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