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    I'm in the process of reclaiming solid clay bricks that have been used as hardcore or landfill. At the moment the bricks are coming out of the ground 50/50 usable whole bricks and broken chunks and pieces.

    Seeing as I have to go to the same effort to find the whole bricks as the chunks, do the broken pieces have any potential use? Maybe as aggregate if ground into dust, or hardcore if it has any insulation value?
    • CommentTimeNov 4th 2014
    Find the matching halves, lots of superglue?!
    Anything that's close to a half or more I plan to cut and use in what I think is a flemish running bond pattern, full half full half etc. Its just the ones with no clean edges or faces and unusable chunks i would like to find a use for.
    • CommentAuthorCWatters
    • CommentTimeNov 4th 2014
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeNov 4th 2014
    Build Flemish bond whole brick/half bat/whole brick, 1/4s come in handy at the corners to set off the 1/4 bond
    Surely Flemish bond should be used for a 9" wall where the headers tie the two faces together. The only time you would use snapped headers (half bats) is when you are building a single brick wall and then the rear of the wall looks terrible unless the headers are machine cut. I had a house once with Flemish bond as a decorative feature for the outer skin of the cavity walls. The brickies who put up the extension were cursing by the end of the job but it looked more interesting than standard stretcher bond!
    Bricks are for a floor, eventually.

    Have discovered that I can use brick dust from ground up clay bricks as a pozzolan in lime mortar mixes, which may be helpful when bedding and pointing the bricks.
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