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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorsimonzz
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    I've just put my money where my mouth is and splashed out considerable moolah on a solid cedar garage door. I was intent on treating it from the outset on an eco friendly natural woodstain. Unfortunately I have only come across natural woodstains with UV protection when they have some pigmentation added. It appear that clear woodstains do not offer this protection. I don't really want to add colour to the door since the cedar looks suprb as it is.
    Does anyone know of a natural treatment that does offer UV protection? Otherwise I'll have to go down the Sadolin route.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    why not use linseed oil.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    Anything else?
    I have a problem - Scandinavian windows installed 6yrs ago, clear natural (pine) finish, coating now completely off in many places, needs extensive refinishing, as matching Phase 3 of the same job is about to happen. I suspect that what we have is just a base coat and we, or somebody somewhere should have applied additional coat(s) and these wd probably have been reqd to be pigmented.
    a) is there anywhere a proper UV resistant truly clear 'stain' finish? such as you'd apply to new Scandinavian windows (I doubt the manufacturers wd guarantee simple linseed oil - or would they?)
    b) what's suggested for refinishing the abovementioned (already stain-coated) windows, as clear as possible?

    PS does simonzz's cedar any finishing at all? Cedar's rated Durable.
    • CommentAuthorMartin 10
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2007
    You could use possible use Holzweg Hard Oil/Hard Oil P it has added tung oil and coumarone resin, two or three coats should be enough for external use.
    Or you could also use Holzweg/Volvox UV Protection Varnish it is a clear exterior wood varnish
    Hope this helps.
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