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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorAirhead
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2014
    Greetings All!

    Just found this forum -I'm normally too busy to spend too much time on th'interwebnet. Am slighty obsessively fascinated by eco & green stuff in building. I'm an Air Test Engineer and happy to share knowledge.

    Cheers :bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2014
    Airhead, where do you cover, geographically? whisper me if you prefer?
    Hi , sounds good, do you know much about MHRV ?
    So, are you saying you're full of hot air? :swingin:
    What's the worst score for an existing and new dwelling that you have had. That's before the use of foam and mastic.
    • CommentAuthorAirhead
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2015
    Sorry Peeps, I've been awfy busy :-/ replies in order...

    DarylP, I'm used to covering the UK and channel islands, I'll go where I'm paid to but I'm based in east Anglia.

    JamesIngram, I'm BPEC certified as a "competent Person" to test, balance and theoretically install MVHR but to get it put in, you'd do better to speak to the big boys in that particular business as that's not something I've done...yet...

    Gotanewlife, if you knew me you'd know how redundant that question is:shamed: lol

    Andrew Hugman, worst score for a New Dwelling is about 27.3 as I recall, worst quantifiable score for a commercial was 32!! (even better, this was a building Factors, specialising in roofing airtightness products!!!) Worst for an existing dwelling test was 19.6 reduced to 5.9 on next visit after advice. It's very rare for advice to actually be followed, so I was super-proud of that one :bigsmile:

    My humble apologies all, for taking so long. I'm going to set GF as one of my home tabs now so I don't forget I'm on here!
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2015
    fyi... we tested a 'conventional' build last week, 2 storey det. dwelling, 2.06m3/m2h q50....!
    Self builder, subbed direct labour.
    It seems the message might be getting through?:bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2015
    The problem ain't self builders, it's volume builders!
    • CommentAuthorDarylP
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2015
    ... true....!:cry:
    This is a self-selecting group that gets the message... :devil:
    • CommentAuthorscrimper
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2015
    So ... ROUGHLY! ... what am I looking at to get a basic air test done on our new renovated property? And would most contractors then provide advice on how to improve (+ perhaps a follow up test)? We are on Wiltshire/Dorset border ...
    • CommentAuthorAirhead
    • CommentTimeFeb 18th 2015
    I love testing for the guys who's reputation is their last build. Modern methods of bulk production are not conducive to good builds. Self-builders are the best!
    Hi Airhead, would be interested in hearing what your experiences have been with testing OSB as an air barrier.

    • CommentAuthorAirhead
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2015
    Hi bot de paille, I've never felt anything coming through the surface of OSB even at -100Pa decompression, the problem usually lies with the joins, junctions, angles and edges, as it does with any sheet material without a membrane behind it. If I were feeling paranoid about future performance, I'd slap a coat of PVA on it!
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