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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorsmudger
    • CommentTimeOct 16th 2022 edited
    Having had quotes from £14-20k to install a battery system (incl one inverter), which is much higher than published figures, I have started musing over installing a wind turbine. We inherited one in 2011 which went kaput as did the company. So I have burnt figures and stayed away from replacing it. With the current electricity prices it may be viable even without subsidies. We are all electric, rural with fields at elevation, gshp. C 12000 kwh annual usage but majority in winter when pv generates very little.

    So who is left standing after 10 years of turmoil in the sector? Google just throwing up lots of old links.

    Probably thinking about 5/6kw (previous 6kw).

    • CommentAuthorGareth J
    • CommentTimeOct 16th 2022 edited
    Proven or evance spring to mind. I think proven are still going, Britwind took on and, apparently, still supply evance turbines.

    Our neighbours have a proven, we have an evance. Both need regular maintenance which isn't too arduous DIY if you are mechanically sensible. Both still going at 10+ yrs. Seen plenty of both still spinning in the outer Hebrides.

    Can you get planning as you already have a site of an existing turbine?
    This is a bit of an old thread but perhaps my response might still be useful.

    We installed a Proven 6KW wind turbine back around 2008-ish. Proven then went bust because of structural issues with the tower of their 35KW model which would have cost more to fix than the company could manage. So their products were then taken over by Kingspan and subsequently by a company called SD Wind. Our Proven WT6000 is now called the SD6.

    I am now about to post a question on this board about replacing our wind turbine with Solar PV because of poor performance of the wind turbine due to site conditions (we expected about 10-12,000kWH per year but typically get around 4-5000kWH). On that basis I am considering selling the wind turbine if you are interested - not sure what the second hand wind turbine market looks like.
    • CommentAuthorGareth J
    • CommentTimeMar 7th 2023

    They occasionally pop up on here, for a guide price. Or indeed you could try them to sell through. I have no affiliation or experience dealing with them though. Not a recommendation.
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